Fun and simple puzzles. Plus it can be played co-op on the same keyboard.


Its fun but it didn't hooked me. Maybe is my fault, people talked liked it was a masterpiece, so i when in with big expectations

I when in like ''what game is that?'' and finished like ''what game was that!''. Definitely should have played sooner.
The storytelling is incredible, the kind of experience that make my monkey brain go "video games are art". Its creative with the way the narration and the mechanics intertwines.

the pacing is awful, may try again sometime

I much needed twist in the souls games, who follow the same formula too much and kinda blend together.
The combat has a rhythm aspect to it. And now there is no more running/ rolling in circles waiting for a opening in the enemies animations to attack. Being the one dictating the fighting pace while sticking to them, which make the fights faster and more dynamic with less "dead time".
The story is easier to follow (and simpler) then the usual fromsoftware's games, with a clear start and finish. You dont need to read all the items description to understand what is going on, which has its charms.


pretty chill game with some light metroidvania elements. Got nice characters and a simple but fun combat.

The characters and the interaction between them is definitely the highest point here, the story and the pacing is on point too. The combat system is simple but making combos with the team skills is pretty fun. I would say this is the best version of the Guardians of the Galaxy out of the comics.
PS: the soundtrack rocks!

The story cycle gets so boring after a while. The combat is fun and the graphics are beautiful but this by itself isnt worth it.

ok, I really didn't expect to enjoy and laugh so much with a game about putting together a harem of demon girls. the art is 10/10, plus its free and "no horny"

It expanded on what the classic did good and tried fixing on what it did wrong. Great visual, fun combat, Mrx is frightening (his foots steps makes it even more scary). Simply what a remake should look like.

Its ugly, its a buggy mess but is fun as hell. It may be a bit generic world but it works so well crafted. What it lacks on armor and weapons variety it has on fun and stuff to do

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The story is alright, its only really worth it for that "ethan twist". What really shines here is the atmosphere and the map desing. They marketed the bosses so heavy but in the end they are a bit underdeveloped. The combat and the enemies are fun except that the gun progression is awful. Unlike RE7, when you unlock a new gun is just a better version of the one you are have, so the old ones are just useless.

It has some weird design choices and every enemy looks the same with the shittiest color pallet, but the combat makes it up. The story follows the same road as always, just a context for why you are making all that fun demon killing

May be the best single player shooter of the last decades, mechanically and gameplay wise. The games makes you use all of your tools non-stop all the time