Its pretty fun but it never really does anything all that crazy

Amazing fucking game, considering this is my first souls game I was really impressed and honestly had a lot of fun with the game. Early on the bosses are kinda easy and boring but after AW I would say boss quality goes up.

(Played this to prepare for reload) Amazing game, amazing story. While it has its flaws such as the pacing in the first 10ish hours, after it picks up it really gets going. Social links are also very meh with exceptions like the Sun and Devil, I didnt care to do like half of them except to get the persona abilities. Took off half a star because nozomi is in this game.

Silent peak 2
Peak hill 2
Silent hill peak

got the plat for this and it genuinly improved my experience with the game. better than BFBB for sure and a worthwhile game to get when its on sale. just classic 3d platforming fun

Its fun but its nothing crazy. It does atleast scratch the jsrf itch.

Pretty fun minus the camera being the camera. Also fuck the boat controls


Very fun and short game, got the platinum in 2 days which was also very fun. The gimmick is better than I expected it to be, definetly play this if its cheap enough

Best fromsoft combat. While the game has its flaws, it does a lot of things really well including some of my favorite gimmick bosses in fromsofts lineup. Also the most replayable of their games

Pretty good considering its a unique take on the typical warioware formula, with how you control characters. Pretty fun both singleplayer and multiplayer experience. Some characters suck to play as though

this game deserves all the praise it gets

The multiplayer is really fun, though I would say 4 players are essential cause with only 2 the games end very quickly

regrettably, I finished this game

Better than both parappa games, the songs are all fire except the lumberjack one