we need to go back in time to 2006 and force people to play this

I love Zelda

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me when the lad I betrayed betrays me while I betray the other guy who betrayed me but I betrayed him bu he actually survived and betrayedme nadber

we truely have become the dragons dogma 2

We really finaled their third fantasy bros

soul but uhh can't say I'm a big fan of this "switch" in gameplay

but the big moments hit hard

cool song

also the best exploration game I've ever played

haha... wouldn't it be funny if there was an option to just surrender so you'd turn into a cyborg and get to call shodan mommy all day?..haha

give me the fucking gem you piece of shit spiked shitface

hehe surely the funny robot puzzle will not ask philosophical questions that will change my trajectory in life

I would be so mad

certified "miyamoto's dumbass wife would play this" game

altough who the hell imagined switching difficulty should be related to what character you pick up? I will shoot them cartel style infront of nintendos HQ (in Mario Odyssey)