Run of the mill SURVIVAL CRAFTING SANDBOX ZOMBIE game. I played a lot of this as a kid, and I still have a bit of fondness for it, but I don't have any need to revisit it.

Fun co-op train babysitting in the vein of Overcooked. There's a fair amount of strategy going on here, and just enough stuff going on to keep it consistently frantic.

I like the aesthetic, but gunplay just doesn't feel good, and the card system felt unbalanced.

Functional free port of an already fun card game. Rotating free expansions helps keep it fresh.


Cool concept, doesn't feel very good to play.

This game fascinates me. The weird combo of Counter-Strike + Anime Girls, it's a horde shooter? with huge mega op weapons? And the fact its in Gold Source (i think...) It's just strange, and I kinda love it

I think it's cool, but I couldn't get over the initial learning curve.



A good story, fun characters, and solid gameplay.
I think it loses out on the so-called "God Run" aspect that makes roguelikes so addictive. Your ability to scale power is very controlled, although you do have a fair amount of options. In exchange, Hades tells a much more involved and interesting story than otherwise possible in the genre.


Easily Supergiant's best.
A large cast of complex characters that you are ludonarratively invested in. A truly beautiful story with a fantastic ending. Superb soundtrack, gorgeous art, rich worldbuilding.
Criminally underrated.

I love the dreamy aesthetic of Cloudbank, and the excellent soundtrack extends that feeling. The story is engaging and the characters are all interesting. I like how you are offered a lot of customization with your moveset. I didn't love the combat, the real-time/turn-based mix is interesting conceptually but just doesn't quite work here.

Tells a moving story with it's small cast of characters. I like the smaller details, particularly the Narrator's narration reacting to your actions.
Combat is fun and has a lot of options between the different weapons. I like the aesthetic and world given to you in literal fragments.

It's runescape with the active gameplay stripped out.
While there are a lot of different skills, mechnically they are all the same. And it lacks any interesting mechanics/interactions. I.e, it's too straightforward.
I also don't love the presentation, it's just a bit boring.

I like how it's framed through a retro computer, and the presentation is generally pleasing. The actual games are a mixed bag, some are fun some aren't. My favourite was the gunpla builder.