Worthless, but did try something new.

Fun power fantasy freemium slop. Lots of content built around a core that just doesn't quite work. I do like some of the aesthetics.

Kinda fun, mostly nothing

Couldn't get a feel for it

Janky fun for a couple rounds

I honestly had a lot of fun. I'll never think about it again.

Great visuals, great soundtrack, every single level is fun. I do not understand why they don't get this team to make more games - they know what they're doing.

A beautiful story. Thanks Johann!

Awesome bosses, great music, fun story.
Fairly simple as far as character action games go but the parry + blade mode flow is incredibly satisfying and easily makes up for it.

A truly excellent platformer.
Four campaigns plus a platform fighter in one package. (Plus a card game)
And it's all fun.

Very fun game. Action is quick and punchy and the story is super intriguing. It's a bit short, and then ends on a "to be continued."

Deserves respect for it's role in popularizing the genre. Outside of that, it's just kinda average.

An absolute titan of the genre. Every aspect is executed incredibly well and comes together into a very complete form.