Pretty fun in my honest opinion. It hasn't gotten more or less fun in the 400+ hours i've played but it's fun.

Some how this has become one of my FAVORITE games ever. It's been an amazing adventure playing this game and the dlc, and was surely a game that really made me enjoy Survival Horror experiences. I will never forget Metro Exodus and will always remember it for being one of my first few finished games with my first ever actual pc.

I liked it, I also listened to a lot of Tyler the Creator when I played this, so it instantly comes back to me lol.

Just a personal fav and i'm really biased

It's pretty fun so far, really trying to convince some friends to play with me so I can enjoy this very special take on a souls-like with them :)

So, to me everytime I die I never play on that save ever again. Period. That save just never existed, new run. It's such an interesting game to me and considering I have almost never gotten far in it is actually crazy. I don't know if it's randomized or anything but the combat is really challenging and really engaging in a way I never thought i'd find in an RPG. I like to call it a Survival Horror RPG and it probably is well known for that. Pretty good.

I do not know what to say about this game that's positive other than how it looks. The combat is clunky, and sometimes downright unfair, I find myself wanting to actively AVOID fighting in this game. Although it does feel like as a normal guy, I shouldn't be able to fight people, but still. The story is everywhere, trying to make me care really hard about characters that just aren't developed yet or are people who were in the past that we were never introduced too. Either it's not my cup of tea or this game just isn't made that well. I might finish it, but for now? I don't know.


I like Ultrakill, I liked this, I don't know what else to say.

I was so invested in this with my friends, it was one of the best experiences i have had with that small group and if I could go back and have it again oh how I would want that, all of us rushing to make choices and arguing and bickering about which ones are the right choices is some of the most fun i've ever had with my friends. I want more games like this, it doesn't have to look good at all, just a good story overall and the choice system this had with multiple people, Fun time.