games where yasunori mitsuda worked on the soundtrack

goat goat goat goat goat


you know I'm glad someone on this site made a list like this cause legit some of these games I only know about solely cause I wanted to know what other stuff Matsuda composed

1 year ago

Shadow Hearts Soundtrack is fantastic and under rated imo.

1 year ago

re shadow hearts: it’s one of his best, I think, and I think the lack of his presence had a lot to do with why 3 didn’t hit for a lot of people (that and, you know, the racial caricature thing). The fate: cluster amaryllis theme from covenant will always be a favorite.

1 year ago

oh wow, I was planning on making this exact list but got lazy and never finished it. never expected someone else to give him the highlight

Mitsuda is definitely my favourite composer probably. I still need to check out most of his stuff. I wanna say Shevat is my current favourite song from him

1 year ago

@seymourflux xenogears' soundtrack is probably my favorite overall (the melody for the dazil theme has lived in my head rent free for over 10 years, and the bonds of sea and fire leitmotif is a contender for my favorite in all gaming) but as far as my favorite track overall goes ? call me a basic bitch but i still turn into a weepy mess whenever i hear radical dreamers; works every time

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