154 Reviews liked by avgoat

Where did my fun combat go, wait nevermind Takeshi has shown up. I sure hope we don't do anything crazy like throwing a baby.

If that one eyed freak shows up one more damn time while I'm trying to simply go to the store I'm gonna blow steam out of my ears.

Oh you have got to be kidding me. First you took my fun combat away now I've lost my music too?

This game was of course the stepping stone for the following games, but that's just it for me.
It has fantastic music and great aesthetic. My issue with this game is it's story and gameplay. Story wise the pacing is all over the place with a lot of uninteresting filler added to pad out the game, the writing itself is alright and really shines towards the end. Gameplay wise this is a mess, Tartarus mixed with the fatigue feature is a nightmare I'm glad future games removed this for much more interesting dungeons and no fatigue.

Very close to being the perfect game. The switch to turn based combat breathed life into a franchise that was getting stale, Along with a Protagonist that shows a lot of emotion and has such a creative imagination this gave the developers a opportunity to create over the top situations without having to rely too close to reality.
The combat honestly has issues, the pathfinding for characters and the stiffness of it stops this from being the perfect game.

It has its highs and it's lows, mostly highs. My personal favorite JRPG with its fantastic cast of characters, fantastic music, simple but hard gameplay, and its phenomenal story.

Everything about this game is great outside of its quirky navigator and backtracking level design. Not much more to say, Lyn is a talented individual with her singing.

Once again a creative vision, I only wish this time there was more focus on improving controls and the core parts of the game.
I would like this game alot more if the controls were better, more variety in level design, and a more interesting main character, the choice to replace Solid still baffles me to this day. Story wise the only time I was intrigued was the tanker and then towards the end of the game. I understand why people like this game so much but it's not for me.

A creative vision where the gameplay and controls were improved this time, snake eater is very close to being in the top 10 games of all time list but it has its issues so I can't give it that.
My biggest complaint is the level design, a confusing mess that I constantly get turned around in and have to keep readjusting myself. My other issues aren't that big and I could maybe look past them, But The way Eva is sexualized creeps me out alot. I feel this could have been a bit more subtle and still worked out however the team wanted it to. The camo feature feels very useless at times, like it was tacked on last minute, I'm sure it's somewhat useful but it's never made clear enough to me to understand if it's actually working.
This game is fantastic and might be one of the best PS2 games ever made, I just wish this was the last one.

What was once a creative franchise became a fan service filled mess, the gameplay is finally the best it's ever been but the rest of the game suffers dearly.
A 40 min tailing mission... Really?
The game feels like the writers looked at whatever the top rated Metal Gear Solid fanfiction was at the time and copied that, but decided to try and write the story themselves at the last few hours.

You can't include a scene like that with a comical zipper sound effect and think that's ok, however I'm glad Kojima pioneered the industry again! Thank you for making unfinished games be considered the norm for almost the last decade now!
Gameplay is phenomenal, Story is interesting enough when it's actually happening, and customization is fun. My main issues are definitely the unfinished story and how quiet is handled... I can't get over that comical zipper sound effect it's so disgusting and made me lose all the respect I had for an otherwise brilliant man.

Absolute Masterpiece, this game doesn't get enough credit due to its age.
An absolute must play for any stealth game enthusiasts.
The only issues with it is of course the difficulty and it's backtracking sections.

Fantastic Story with great new additions to the cast and fantastic action music to listen to while you are kicking ass, unfortunately like most of its genre the gameplay gets very boring towards the end and it's a slow drag across the finish line. Once again the Quirky navigators lines are infuriating, by the time I got half way in I had to stop opening chests because hearing "May the RNG Gods Smile Upon Us" anymore would cause my head to explode.

"I think at any time, any place, people can fall in love with each other. But if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them."

Metal Gear Solid is a game that surprised me by how well it held up. Of course, many people have said this already, but, a lot of the time, for other games, it isn’t true. Thankfully, this is one of the few cases in which it actually does hold up well. The story is simple but engaging, thanks to some fantastic characters. And the gameplay, while it took me a long time to get used to, was pretty fun when I learned how everything worked.

Apart from the dated mechanics, there were some small things holding this back from a masterpiece, such as the near-hour-long backtracking at the end and the lack of context for certain objectives (the back of the CD case is a great example of this).

Other than that, though, this was a great game. One that I can see enjoying a lot more whenever I decide to replay it. I definitely understand the hype. I look forward to starting two right away.

For it's time a creative piece that helped push forward the medium of video games.