32 reviews liked by ayanlxxii

Gran Turismo 5 is proof that effort and passion truly can be put into a realistic racing sim. That being said, man I really don't like realistic racing sims. The game looks pretty good for the PS3, but not good enough to justify the fact that it took well over two hours to install itself from its disk. There seems to be a good amount of modes, plus a huge amount of different cars and customization options to choose from, and when not simply showing off its hyper realistic graphics, the presentation is pretty good as well. The problem is that the actual gameplay is just completely uninteresting to me. The driving is not that exciting and gets old really quickly. This is a pretty big problem in a game like this where you are expected to grind to progress through the game and get unlockables. The entire game is really meant for a certain type of person who would probably play it as their only video game for a significant period of time. If played in that manner, this would probably be a pretty decent game. But as it is, it's just not for me.

Generic Call of Duty #34656457473376

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Metroid Dread is without a doubt one of the best 2D platformers ever made. It perfects the classic Metroid formula while also bringing in many new twists to the gameplay to freshen up the experience. It is going to be very difficult for me to name everything amazing about this game, so forgive me if I miss one of the many things this game gets right.

Metroid Dread has some unbelievably smooth controls. Samus nearly always does exactly what you want her to do. You almost never feel like you're losing any momentum while performing any given action. The returning melee attack from Samus Returns really helps with momentum as well. Rather than having to stop and shoot if an enemy is in your way, you can simply time your melee attack correctly to get a really satisfying camera effect and keep all your speed. All of this is aided by the game's incredible animation fluidly connecting everything together. Samus never clips into any other objects, and her model never jumps around from pose to pose. Everything she does while controlled by the player looks as if it could be found within a cutscene as well.

One of the things Metroid Dread does best is fooling the player into thinking they're a genius. Despite being a metroidvania, Metroid Dread doesn't really open up that much. There are many times where there is only one set route for the player to take and get to where they need to be, but the game does a very good job hiding this. The map is so naturally designed to point the player to where they need to be at any given moment that most players will likely just take the game's intended path first. They'll feel clever about it too, because from the player's perspective they just figured out how to navigate Metroid Dread's maze of a map on their first try. It is a personal skill of mine to be able to get lost in the simplest maps imaginable while playing literally any video game, so I feel like the fact that I was never confused on where to go for more than 5 minutes, not even once, really says something about how great this game's map is.

Now for one last subject on the topic of gameplay, THIS GAME HAS AMAZING BOSSES!!! I am generally someone that struggles while playing difficult video games, but Metroid Dreads bosses had me coming back for more every single time I was defeated. Despite most of them having huge flashy attacks that seem impossible to avoid, they slowly become more and more recognisable the more you fight each boss over and over. You’ll need to be able to remain composed in frantic and crazy situations and have full knowledge of each boss's moveset if you want to have any hope of taking them down. But once you finally do, it seems hard to believe that you ever could have struggled at all in the first place. You learn so much during each fight that you feel (in a similar way to mastering navigation) like a genius after every one, despite that being (also similar to navigation) the game's exact intention.

I touched on presentation briefly before, but I'll go into more detail here. This game looks absolutely amazing. As I previously mentioned, all of the game's animations are great, but there's more to it than that. To start, the game graphically looks really excellent. Despite the map you interact with being fairly blocky and video game-ish, It always blends perfectly into the beautiful backgrounds on each map. All of the backgrounds manage to be unique in their own way through incredible lighting, wonderfully realistic weather effects, meticulously crafted environments, and a general sense of life to everywhere you visit. I have never before played a 2D game that was able to make me feel so small in such massive areas. Also, because every location on every map is so detailed, the camera can pan all over the place and never has to be restricted to a purely 2D perspective. It's another major reason this game looks so good and feels so fun to play. When fighting bosses or discovering major locations the camera can go absolutely crazy and make you feel like you're watching an action movie.

One aspect I did not feel so positively about was the story. All of the game's cutscenes look great, it was very cool to see Samus interacting with real life chozos, and It's certainly cool that the game tries to be a conclusion to the original 2D metroid storyline. The problem is that it doesn't really conclude anything. I really wish Nintendo wasn't allergic to having a full proper story in their games the way other developers do. While it's true that story isn't absolutely necessary and fun is most important, stories in games can elevate them to much higher levels than they would otherwise be able to achieve, and I feel that there was a significant amount of missed potential here. It was very disappointing for the story to end simply with the planet exploding and then 5 seconds later… credits. Samus being a metroid is cool, but what does it mean for her? What are the consequences? Why do her powers suddenly disappear at the end of the game? Why does the X parasite become loyal to her? None of it is properly explained. It feels like it all happens for the sake of an easy ending. It's disappointing both as a conclusion to the series and as a reward for beating the game's very tough final boss.

As I’m writing this I’m realizing I never wrote anything about the E.M.M.I. sequences, so I'll put that here. They are pretty horrifying and stressful at first, but similar to the bosses they begin to get predictable and avoidable over time. It is very satisfying to become more and more skilled at evading them throughout the course of the game, Especially while each new E.M.M.I. ends up being better at hunting you than the last. I’d say that they do initially succeed at creating the desired feeling of dread the game tries to give you.

Overall metroid dread is incredible. Despite my disappointment with the narrative, the game presents itself so well it's hard for me to be stuck on that one issue. The fluid gameplay, amazing boss fights, excellent level design, and great sense of atmosphere is what really makes the game for me. Here's hoping we don't have to wait another 19 years for the next 2D Metroid game.

Is even better after playing RDR2. Stands the test of time really well. Great performances from all actors. Praying for a next gen remake

EDIT AUGUST 9th : That last part didn't age well

bought this for my bf bc im a very sweet girl ???

anyhow this is genuinely vv cool,, works like crazy well for how tiny it is but has the worst sound effects/music in any game ever? def smth to be said about how easy it is to translate the game of tetris + how hard it is to fuck up a version of tetris. game is so universal as it takes like less than five seconds to understand the mechanics of classic tetris and it’s not like hard to master at all but it almost puts u into a trance like state??? idk I go quiet asf playing any version of this shii,, peak disassociation game.

This is my personal favorite Pokemon game of the ones I've played so far. Is it the best Pokemon game out there? No. Do I have blind raging nostalgia for the original Pokemon games? Yes. I still remember feeling excited to play a remastered version of the first Pokemon game I had ever played back when I was 7 years old. I loved the fact that it wasn't just a graphical upgrade but also received bonus content in the islands as well as an updated Pokedex to catch it up to the franchise to that point. Going through it is like coming back home and I can't stop smiling. Even today I will play this from time to time to try different Nuzlocke challanges.

I still have to play a few generations, which I plan on doing this year, before I can say I've caught them all and beat every game. But I firmly believe for most people your favorite game and favorite Pokemon come from your first experience with the franchise. Im not saying I'm hard headed and wont keep an open mind because I always do especially with this medium. What I am saying is I am fully aware of my biased blinding nostalgia that I will always have for this game.

My first Pokémon game! (Yes, I was very late to the party.) Absolutely adored the amount of heart this has, and the gameplay is fun and addictive. There's just so much to do, even when you finish the main story. I love Cubchoo!

Honestly I hear a lot of people trash the shit out of overwatch 2 but I really enjoyed what I played. Now this is coming from someone who never played the original overwatch and I can definitely see where the haters of overwatch 2 are coming from. Blizzard promised a lot of stuff including a campaign mode that they just gave up on which led to the games not so favourable reputation. It does now seem though that Blizzard is trying to turn the game around now with the most recent updates though. Putting all that aside, overwatch 2 still finds a way to be an incredibly fun and engaging team based shooter.

I don't even have anything to say about this game, really. It's just great vibes.
I loved the characters and the humour. I liked the stupidly convoluted, batshit story. It honestly has some of the most hype cutscenes and set pieces I've seen in this franchise. I liked the unique battle system and the Junctioning function to switch up your gameplay style as needed.
I will say, I'm actually surprised we never got a Laguna spin-off game. He was definitely my favourite character in the game and I would love to see more of his (mis)adventures.

Muscle Mommy Kassandra
After 125 hours and completely 100%ing the game, I can say that the only good thing about this game is locations/atmosphere and Kassandra. Oh, also the never seen before Isu DLC. Poorly executed but still, it was interesting to experience it. It could have been WAAAAAY better but here we are. I don't even want to talk about animations and the effort put in this game.
It's not even an Assassin's Creed game, too. I just take this game at face value and subtract the "Assassin's Creed" from it and voila! it's a great game :D

Best part of the game: Muscle Mommy Kassandra :3