it's... rough. the songs are great and it's so cute but the gameplay really wasn't polished yet

i mean it genuinely is a fine kart racer, it's not horrible. though the best i can say is that it gets better the lower you set the resolution

a landmark successor to two landmark games, redefining the expectations of what continued support for a kickstarter title like this could even look like.

the longer i play it the less sure i am that i even like it. desperately in need of updates, the true ending is just ridiculous and it doesn't have the fun crazy combos a lot of other rougelikes have

a timeless campaign, far from just another take on shovel knight's story, though it does undoubtedly compliment it. forever one of my favorite games, and it isn't even sold standalone

endlessly replayable, one of the most content-rich of the series. it never comes to mind first when i think of my favorites, but it honestly should. it’s only held back by what mega man 1 was, and even then it takes great strides above it.


how do you guys not even have a cover image for this. put some respect on the GOAT

it's genuinely a good mega man fangame and a tribute to mlp, it's pretty based

it’s really a mixed bag. terrible story (english voice acting aside, we all know about that), weird sprites with a lanky, rubbery mega man and a perspective that doesn’t really make sense or look good, janky weapons and required segments with some, the list of flaws goes on. but with gorgeous backgrounds, good boss designs, and amazing music, it’s hard to call it the worst.

mega man 9, perfected. the dlc is phenomenal too, this is probably the best game he's been playable in and it makes his already fun movement style an absolute joy.

really obnoxious mechanics a lot of times, and some truly unmemorable songs like lost cause, but still one of the best FNF "mods" (though I'd really consider this a fangame, honestly.)

so definitive it isn't even funny, this SWEEPS origins no question. dont even get me started on mod support

more of a ddlc fangame than an fnf one, though that's not to say the songs and gameplay aren't fuckin killer. the writing is so touching and everything in the game clearly has so much passion for its source material behind it

the best traditional MaGMML game, and possibly even better than Episode Zero because of its story and ending alone. play this game if you care about mega man