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gruel reviewed Dead or Alive 5: Last Round
Putting Virtua Fighter characters in here is emotional manipulation that worked on me. But it is incredibly funny to see Sarah Bryant going against the women of Dead or Alive, which for all intents and purposes looks like a grown woman beating the absolute fucking shit out of a bunch of 13 year olds. This really emphasizes the design principles that separated Dead or Alive and Virtua Fighter.

One thing you do have to understand is that this game has an option in the menu for the bouncing boobs and the highest option is labeled "DOA." So, you know. That's the kind of game this is. It's unfortunate that great fighting games are made for fucking gooners but it is what it is.

Dead or Alive is the most visually electric fighting game and that continues here: stages are incredibly colorful, busy, and interactive in a way that makes the fighting more expressive. Fighting is as beautifully animated as you would come to expect from Team Ninja. Ryu Hayabusa is the most handsome motherfucker to walk the Earth.

DO NOT BUY THE STEAM VERSION!!! The amount of DLC is a sick joke and I really hate this trend in fighting games, and Dead or Alive 6 is so bad about it that I have barely even played that one because I don't have 600 dollars kicking about.

If you are gonna play this, you already KNOW how you should. It was released on the PS Triple, and there are very convenient ways to play games from the PS Triple in 2024, and Dead or Alive 5 is one of them.

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