Shu Takumi is a god amongst men.

A perfect DLC to a perfect game. It does what every DLC should aim to do; it expands the universe, maintains and even exceeds the difficulty of the original game and introduces new ideas and characters.

If I knew how to write essays on media, I would IMMEDIATELY start writing one for this game. All I'm gonna say is this is my favorite piece of art ever.

SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years.

It's got that Zero Escape feel for sure and I believe this is not that crap game people make it out to be but this is a very, very disappointing conclusion to the Zero Escape franchise.

First two games have been building up to this masterpiece of a game? Take notes Uchikoshi.

What a MASTERPIECE this was.

Beautiful mash of creative gameplay, gorgeous visuals and a good-ass story.

Everything except this having a story is pretty much the same with the first one but this drags on too fucking much.

I get that it's a revolutionary game but playing it sucks so much ass, I forced myself to finish it.

One of the most creative first-person puzzles has one of the most beautiful world I've ever seen in a game? This is the shit.