55 Reviews liked by ber

What do you think when you hear the word "horror"? Some may think of their favorite horror movie or halloween or something else entirely, when I hear "horror" i think of silent hill 2

This game is scary on all accounts, this game sends you in a million emotions and none of them good, but that's the good thing about silent hill 2, its SUPPOSE to make you feel scared, sad, and even helpless.

James Sunderland is a broken man with a broken dream of wanting to be with his wife again, he is more than just a video game character, he is human and you can sympathize with this man as he goes through his own psychological hell just to be with his wife again which I'm sure many people can relate to wanting to be with their significant other after some time apart.

This game is all around symbolic with the items you collect, to the characters, to the hair james has on his head because everything has goddamn meaning and it makes you try and put the pieces together on what the hell any of this means before you reach the end.

Just overall this is by far one of the most perfect games I have played and everyone should expect this game.

it cant be overstated how important kojima is to the game industry. like him or not, he's revolutionized the way we see game design more than once. with his newest game he may not change the way we look at games, but he still proves he knows how to make a new idea work perfectly well.

i went into this game expecting it to suck hard. i thought it would just be walking from point a to b with some face-level story on top. i was severely wrong.

the amount of nuance from just getting package x to point a is insane, with everything down to the terrain keeping your attention. hell will rise from the ground to keep you from delivering some packages. but deliver them you will god damn it, because youre Sam Porter Bridges.

there's so many things that keep gameplay from getting stale, down to the end of the game youre constantly unlocking new weapons and gadgets and modes of transport. on top of that youve got MULE camps which never stop being satisfying and the BT sections which never stop being tense. everything feeds into everything else and its impossible to look away from the screen once it starts, and i have never played anything like it.

but what truly elevates this game is the balls to the wall story. the horrifying symbolism of strands and hands and uterine glands makes for a visual experience unlike anything before it. it's a weird thing to say, but this might be the most well-shot game i've ever played. not to mention that every character is extremely well written and even more interesting than the last, the obvious highlight being Mads Mikkelsen.

death stranding's america is a world i wont forget and the tense package delivery along with it. theres truly nothing like this game and i applaud everyone involved for making such an interesting, dare i say bold game work so god damn well. just one more feather in kojima's cap.

The fullest realization of Playstation era Resident Evil.

Replaying this in 2019 and still discovering variances in enemy spawns or other behaviors in the game is an amazing feeling. Absolutely love the level design (the varying paths and whatnot), soundtrack, and slick feeling gameplay in this one. Navigating through rooms of enemies is so satisfying here, the movement is really smooth.

Mild points are lost for me as a result of the dodge function. In theory this is great and a welcome addition to the series but in execution it's kinda wack. The move feels like it gets set off randomly with no rhyme or reason and in areas with multiple enemies at once it can get messy. The one tight hospital hallway with two hunters in it ended up being a dance of death with me dodging multiple attacks and rolling around in circles until I ended up getting cornered and stunlocked to death. Good thing I saved.

Such a magnificently crafted and engaging mystery. A real "it's way past my bedtime but how about ooooone more loop" game.

I see people having fun getting the achievements but unfortunately the Epic client doesn't have those. So I'll buy this again when it hits Steam and not feel bad about it at all.

A very good exploration of family history and the course of drifting away from it. It serves as a recognition of the fragility of relationships through the dissection of objects whose existence are taken as a given.

Broken watches freeze time as struggles over the future become an unspoken presence. How can I continue to function as the confident and caring figure I was supposed to be when time moving forward is something that will take away? Voices are lost as record and cassette players only give out silence. Will I still be able to remember my mom's singing when she tucked me into bed at night, which are now nights that only contain the hum of my whirring fan?

Maria's narration doesn't have too much impact on its own, and could potentially be a distraction from the overall story at times. It's difficult however to only focus on the dissection mechanics with the care that is given to each character.

Fantastic game. Cannot wait for part 2

Controls are the best of the series and it finally feels somewhat comfortable using all of Snake's tools of holding enemies up and playing with them. The story is by far the worst of all the games however, with ridiculous amounts of obscenely long cutscenes, some of which cannot be skipped (the briefing sections). After Chapter 2, the game moves away from MGS3 style gameplay for generic third person shooter-style gameplay for Ch. 3. Chapter 4 moves back to stealth, but its with solely robots and your options become a lot more limited. Ch. 5 is barely anything outside of that long trek through the ship deck with Frogs and Gekkos.



the video game incarnation of "fucking metal"

Without a doubt the best 3D Mario has ever been. Trades the quantity of the Galaxy games for sheer quality, and it works. The new mechanic is unique and FUN.

Plays like butter. Looks gorgeous. Sounds delicious. It's a legitimate joy to play.

I wish I could forget about this game to replay it all over again like it's the first time.

Pretty good, though challenging at times. Story is surprisingly well for a pixel platformer and the music is just as awesome. Would recommend it!