wowie zowie, new super mario bros is finally dead

nice mix of its namesake and resident evil 6, hampered by an engine that's starting to seriously show its age

they copied tiny wings and thought that made them artists

another nioh but with even worse combat

bubbles is cooler than pac man

oh wow haha the game knows its a game? that's crazy lmao

The gameplay sequel to Star Fox 2 while wrapping up the story that started with Star Fox 64. The tactical gameplay is satisfying when you do well and multiple genuinely well written story paths keep you wanting to play and see them all. The idea of giving each character their own fighter is great and is realized well. Nice job Q Games

thinking of this game gives me a headache

Gyro controls are interesting and score attack is nice. Visuals and voice over are an overall downgrade. Good if you have a 3DS but not a Switch with NSO for some reason.

Genuinely broken controls. If you get past them you're left with a rail shooter less mechanically interesting than Yar's Revenge 2011 and a bland action game. Story would have made a good anime and the music is good.

cool i'm a cowboy i can't wait to do random errands for 40 hours