Crazy how we never got to play the 3ds game mode and we were stuck with smash tour

Yes this was my first Pokémon game how could you tell

I only play these games for the campaign I can't handle zoomer shooters

Crazy to see how many features there were in launch on this game weren't in NH at all. The commercial area at the top of the map adds a lot of charm that you don't realise until it's gone

Best retro selection out of any of the games. Shame that most of the new tracks aren't great

Why haven't they remade this for the switch yet

Hours before repentance: 65
Hours after repentance: 665
This game got me through the COVID times

I gotta replay this I love these little guys

Alan when he awakens from a nap idk i haven't played the game:

You really feel like you are constantly hunted in this game, unlike with any other game really. Leads to some unfair deaths at times but that makes the near misses and interactions all the more enjoyable and engaging

I don't care how revolutionary this is I could be playing something better instead

Beat this game on boxing day after getting it for Christmas. Maybe that's why everything about this game is forgettable

Glad the designs picked up a bit in Gen 9 because I was starting to think this would be the end.

Crazy to think that this game had so much hate at launch and now it's beloved

Friend of mine was playing this in the pub so I redownloaded it. Now it's become my casual game to play on work breaks and dog walks