cried twice in the 57 minutes it took me to finish this game. im assuming the developer has ocd

the 2nd puzzle was the only puzzle that felt like a puzzle

marionette scary as hell sorry for yelling at u charlotte

ok nintendo u win this is really good can u make a real f zero now

better in almost every way than the games that inspired it

game broke halfway thru but i liked it before then

assuming this was some kind of queer allegory

i was only in it for the gif at the end. i wish this got dlc

weirdo ass game which i love. destructible environments are awesome


everyone praised how unique this was as if its the first indie game to be about a tiny furry in a metroid world with a dark souls dodgeroll

this version is good but play the hd rerelease and give capcom ur money. not the remake tho. fuck the remake