About You: Video Game

i saw others doing this. i want in.

i do not have a guilty pleasure. i hold no guilt in the games i enjoy. i will own my appreciation for a game and i WILL recommend it to people. FUCk you

Favourite Game of All Time

yakuza is one of the VERY few franchises to stick with me. you ever see someone obsess over something for 5 years, and wonder how the hell they stuck with it that long?

i'm one of those people, for yakuza. and like a dragon is by far my fave. it feels like a celebration of life, of people, while confronting issues in a way many other yakuza games just. didn't. the good, the bad, it addresses all of them, and kasuga ichiban stole my heart in a way that very few protagonists did on their debut
Favourite Series: Yakuza

shit. i kinda explained that one in like a dragon's entry. but yeah. it's yakuza.
Best Soundtrack

oh!! i already made a list addressing this!! let me copy and paste this one's entry

somehow packs more of an emotional punch than the soundtrack to the first mystery dungeon games. several of these i refuse to listen to on a normal day because they make me cry. BGM does see reuse but i don't really care given how many dungeons there are, and each of them is memorable enough anyway. story tracks are a notch above the rest, but they're all good enough that despite having last played explorers a decade ago, sometimes they play in my head during everyday situations still. there are no weak links in this soundtrack.
Favourite Protagonist

i love red and black characters. i love women with husky growls. i love characters with huge demon arms. velvet crowe checks these off right off the bat.

and then the game explores her character in depth??? shows us both her entry and exit through the depths of despair? HELL yes

also, velvet crowe's dub is my favourite voice acting in all of video games. her near-incoherent rage at the end of the prologue? DEVOUR?

it makes me genuinely upset when people are weebs about the dub, or when they go "oh the dub sucked so i switch to sub lol"

please i'm begging you to actually give it a chance the game makes it so clear that velvet's only gonna have that anime big sister voice for the prologue and even then the return of that voice is made all the better for it
Favourite Villain

it could be monsoon. it could be jetstream sam.

ok it's armstrong and it helps i'm watching someone play it blind lately. everything out of his mouth is a meme, but also it's really interesting that of all the people you'd want to present to him to prove his worldview wrong, raiden is the absolute worst choice bc he fits every single criteria of armstrong's ideal american citizen
Best Story

okay like a dragon MIGHT have been here but that's already got best game and this is just as worthy imo. genuinely made me question a lot of things afterwards, and has made me cry so very many times. like i said, i relate to lea and shizuka in. some ways others may not.
Have Not Played But Want To

i've seen kaname date in action and he's such a little meow meow. such a silly little man. a scrimblo, even. this is very high up in the queue. also i watched a playthrough of it and it was good they portrayed dementia pretty well here. also mizuki being like INSANELY physically strong makes for a very interesting character, also i love aiba too
You Love But Everyone Else Hates

i'm so tired of reading complaints about the writing and the story man. i'm tired of writing my own rebuttal to them. i'm tired of people who saw the dunkey video using the neon violet line to write off the entire game. i'm tired of seeing even people who like the game go "OH BUT THE WRITING SUCKS I DONT LIKE THE STORY I SWEAR" like doing so gets them judged, i'm tired of people even bringing up BAD WRITING every time the game comes up or people try to talk about what they like, can i please just enjoy my cringe 2000s anime game in peace
You Hate, Everyone Else Loves

to be honest, i don't really hate this game. i don't waste my time remembering things i hate. but this entire franchise seems to just be. way too anime brainrot for any of my liking but people talk about it as if it wasn't which is weird. to be fair it could just be the same kind of desensetisation to like, velvet crowe's outfit in berseria (ie you've seen it so often it doesn't even occur to you till someone sees you playing and makes a comment) or kill la kill
Best Art Style

Best Ending

to be honest, finding paradise and to the moon's endings too. but the ending to impostor factory hit hardest, partially bc the story hit me harder and bc i was with someone at the time; finding your own reality, the nature of existence, the fleeting and fragile nature of human connections. ok if i keep writing i WILL cry again
Best Boss Fight

"it's me, your best friend!"

[video game kino ensues]
Childhood Game

i played video games all my life, but this is one of the few that REALLY stuck w me in the 2000s. even then i don't remember much but this is the first pokemon game to REALLY wow me (i started from gen 1), and it was such an adventure
Relaxing Game

once you realise this game's Deal the puzzle thing is. pretty relaxing.
Stressful Game

i love this game but good lord
Game You Always Come Back To

tbh i don't come back to ANY game gameplay wise really but it's been 2 years since i last played this and it's still fresh on my mind. i still watch dmc5 videos regularly
Tons of Hours Played

i don't know how many. idk if my wii u counts and it's too dead for me to boot it up and check. but MANY


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