Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku games in chronological order

"why is like a dragon september and not january" because i'm sad and did the research: the calendar in survive bar is set to a month where the 23rd and the 30th of the month fall on either a sunday or a monday, which can ONLY be june, september or december of 2019. however general weather and lack of proximity to christmas (there are no decorations around like in other yakuza games set in december, and npc conversations talk about christmas as if it's far away) rules out december as well as the fact that the bugs that can be caught around ijincho are only around in september irl out of those three months mentioned, and also this allows for sufficient time for the 3k plan to take place between judgment and 7 (the tojo were still around in kamurocho as of december 2018 and it's mentioned the omi entered the picture 6 months before ichiban's release, making june a little too close for comfort as it's mentioned that the whole omi takeover has already settled down) - ichiban's sentence doesn't have to be exactly 18 years right? i imagine the extension got him 3 and a bit more years, or maybe he did another bad that got him a few more months at some point. also pre-lost judgment, games would take place within a few months of their japanese release date - only 3 months between september 2019 and january 2020 (the jp release date), and while december would make more sense, this was such a big game you could kinda get the longer time between development and release

also fist of the north star: lost paradise and dead souls are their own canons

this is for when i replay the whole series one day


March 2012 (i think)


February 2006 (Majima Saga) - December 2006


December 2018


September 2010
December 2005
October 1995 (Prologue)
December 2012 (Prologue) - December 2016
Early 2006 (Flashbacks)
March 2007 (Prologue) - March 2009
December 2012
December 2021 - January 2022
December 1988
December 2000 (Prologue)
September 2019


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