i like this game more than you do. this is just true. if you think you are even close to understanding how much i love this game, think again. youre wrong.
this game changed me. its changing me every day. im different now.
ichiban..... the way i love him transcends fiction. hes real to me. my favorite man Ever. im in love with him. i worry about dating in the real world because no one will live up to this man and how i feel about him. the strength he gives me could move mountains but it never will because i'll alwasu be too busy playing this game for the rest of my life. did i mention ive played this game a lot of times. i dont think this will ever escape ,me. this is more than a hyperfixation this is my life now. ive become this game this game has become me.
theres not a single character in it that i feel any less strongly about. every single party member in this game i love more than any other fictional characyer and thats real. Listen to me right now when i say this I Love Them So Much. shakes you by the shouldetrs I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!

anyway. this game is amazing. you should play this game. everyone should play this game. tell your friends that they should play this game. especially if they are really talented artists and they want to draw ichiban. please send it to me

shout out yu nanba because i love him
shout out saeko mukoda because i love her and i cant figure out how to reply to the comment that says she sucks I'm speaking to you now. I Love Her So Much

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what a game.
i dont even have the words. its a good game. sometimes its a bad game. i love this game
nishiki oh nishiki come back to me oh nishiki

for a while after i beat the game every time i thought aboyt nishiki i hurt physcicaly . Owch
remember reina?i dont think they do. i shant say more. i love reina

haruka my baby. my girl. im goimg to start crying i think. i quite love that girl. i have to go

i love nishiki

tachibana tachibana tachibana tachibana tachibana tahcibana tachibana tachibana tachibana tachibana tahcicnabna

I Lik e this gmae

yakuza 6 they will never make me hate you

it is quite embarrassing how hard i cried for someone who didnt really know what was going on

ichibans in it and i like ichiban

this game is NOT as bad as everyone pretends it is. im a radical yakuza fan im sorry. i love this game immensely. i want to rate it higher. maybe i will. screw all of you even the ones who like it because i like it MORE

tanimura i miss you. i hope someday you get a fourth fan in the world. all the other ones already forgot about you

I LOVE THAT BOY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

wouldve been funnier if yagami and kuwana kissed each other

I LOVE TSUKUMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ichiban was in it

dont play this game when you are 11 years old. it wont ever leave you

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certainly a game. it's for sure a video game. not even a horrible one. possibly not a bad one. i think its a good one

they were cooking. there was an attempt at a meal and they were cooking it. the dish was almost ready, almost delicious, all that was left was the seasoning, but then they decided theyre gonna season it with every spice in the cabinet and maybe some mud from outside. for some portions they decided to not season it at all. maybe lets not let them cook for a little while
ryuji and sayama are good. amazing even. i believe what they tried to do with them was one of the best attempts in the game. their scene together at the end might even get a tear out of me if it wasnt sandwiched in between the goofiest scenes in probably existence.

kiryu and sayama are good. i think theyre good. i think they had amazing scenes together. i think some scenes were. A Bit bizarre. i care a little bit. which is more than caring not at all

anyway i love this game, for all its amazing parts and for all its parts so bad you wonder how they even achieved it

shoutout daigo i love my little emo

i dont realy rember what hapened. i like sugiura