Being honest here I give up. I cant even beat the first boss. Never like these kind of games and never will. This is kind of games that only elitist and very skilled gamers can enjoy and play. More like fighting games before Guilty Gear Strive released. I prefer Elden Ring. I will wait before I have chance to either buy it if I have money or released it on subscription services I have. But I wont recommend anyone buy or even download this game unless you are that kind of gamer

Its not worth it even its free. The Unity version which also I played didnt address the problems of this game. Its 0.5 stars for me because even with Unity version and its QOL features its unplayable. This game is ahead of its time but isnt consider a cult classic. Despite what youtubers and reviewers said about this game its not a cult classic like Baldur's Gate series. This is a game of its time. Bethesda really become mainstream when Morrowind released. Dont waste time playing this game

I give this a 2 because I know this game is revolutionary on early 00s and not just game of its time. But this game is unplayable playing it today. Obviously outdated compared to current Bethesda titles mainly Starfield. This is the great game to shatter hardcore Bethesda fans their nostalgia about old school RPGs, especially traversing. I only played this game for less than a hour but thats enough to make a review.

After complicated character creation, excel sheet text based chat without audio option, awkward controls, slow walking speed without sprint option, and convoluted menu I finally go off to traverse the open world. Without mini map and no quest markers I rely myself on hints and clues like road signs just to go through my first quest line. Its the worst experience I played in a Elder Scrolls game more than Daggerfall. At least in Daggerfall the game tells me right away that game isnt for me. So I didnt waste almost a hour of my time playing that game to know its very outdated.

The combat also didnt changed from Daggerfall. Most of my swings misses. My character almost die to only one worm and one rat. After several minutes of slow walking I finally found the town of my first quest. Without quest markers though I have to find the quest line by talking to NPCs around town and hint on my character journal. After long minutes wander aimlessly I quit the game to rest myself. Surprisingly the game have no autosaves and checkpoint saves. My progress gone once I go back to it because I didnt manual save often. Thats the time I quit and moved on

I give this game a 3 or if its score system solid 7. Because in the end thats what this game deserves. Its like this, if I score this game a 4 to 5 this game is far more better than Starfield. Starfield which is a average AAA game. I dont base this on my subjective point of view on how much I enjoy and love this game. I based this on if this game is worth the asking price. Or this game deserve to justify the monthly xbox gamepass subscription. Which for me isnt, on objective point of view.

Starfield with few hours of gameplay is far more worth it, even though its a average AAA game. That game is more worth it than this game because the tutorial section of Starfield is the whole story mode of this game. Thats how short this game is. I didnt rush to this game and I played it on few sittings. But still I finished this game in less than a week.

In conclusion this is fun and enjoyable game and is good for a AA game. But its not It Takes 2 or Stray. I suggest if people reading this wants mindless action fun gameplay, wait for Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased his Name in this coming November instead. Its a AA game with AAA quality

In summary Soul Hackers 2 is just if the original Soul Hackers in SEGA Saturn in 1997 have a sequel in 1999, but with QOL features and have better graphics. Im posting this because thats what this game really is. I havent played the original game at all and this is what I feel about this game. In fact this game could be GOTY if this released on 00s in either Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox in 00s. But this game is mediocre even in mid 00s to early 10s standards with the Wii, PS3 and 360 generation. Im only still playing this because of completion achievement with true ending. But after that I will abandon this game

Its Oblivion with post apocalyptic skin. Not even worth to be nostalgic about. Theres nothing in this game thats revolutionary. I played until my character escaped the vault. After 30 minutes of intriguing storyline intro and tutorial, its like the story itself just disappeared.

Im on my own dont know what to do, dont know where to go. Its as what the description said, open world RPG. Its the player that dictate what the story is. It sounds good in paper but almost all of us here arent storytellers. RPGs in traditional form is good with friends and on pen and paper, the gamemaster overseer the progress. But its not good in video games.

Its the reason why since the 90s until the end of 00s JRPGS are dominating the RPG genre. JRPG in literal definition, japanese role playing games. Its obvious its in 2011 with the release of Skyrim why western RPGs dominating over JRPGs. Because pre-Skyrim western RPGs are unplayable to average gamers

Being honest this game isnt bad on itself. Its just outdated and didnt aged well. Need mods to be even playable today. I still wont recommend this game because majority of gamers dont use mods. As for the game itself it can be playable and revolutionary at that time if not for Assasin's Creed 2. Which also released same year as this base game.

This game is overhype this isnt the best Bethesda Games Studio game, not even close. This game really not evolve RPG genre even during 2010. Anyway I recommend JRPGs, specifically japanese role playing games during that time.

Its still Assasins Creed series and Skyrim why JRPGs lose its popularity and relevancy, not particular games before that. The timeline is way off because of miscommunication with Yoshi P during that interview.

JRPGs still critically acclaimed and made huge profits during the 00s. The crucial point from what I researched is during the early 10s with the release of Assasins Creed 2 and Skyrim.

I will make a separate review, spoiler and non spoiler since I havent finished this game yet. But I made up my mind on this game even though I havent finished it. Im already halfway there for me to have conclusive review on this game. Its worse than every other RPGs I played thats for sure. Objectively the graphics isnt good, its not a real remake more like a updating the graphics engine to Unreal Engine 4. All in all this isnt a real remake even on one to one category. Its the same game with only updated new graphics engine and some QOL features. The jank of old PS360 games still present on this game. And the gameplay didnt improve much since Yakuza 3. This game isnt worth it even its a free download. I only download and played this game on Gamepass because Im readying for Like A Dragon Gaiden

Disclaimer; I know I didnt log in for long time since November last year. I didnt log in for long time because of the uncertainty of my hobby within these few months. I mean does reviews matter if the purpose of reviews, a informed view of what gamers should buy or not is obsolete? Since its all available in one subscription service anyway? Physical media games, individual retailed price games, hardware platforms, first party games and exclusives matters.

I based this while playing on PSVR 2. And my experience owning this on a physical media with a dedicated hardware platform, the PS5. Its very different compared to playing a game on Gamepass because of the value. Since I bought this game individually I have inform view of the quality of this game before buying, not subjective unlike with Gamepass games.

Anyway as for the review its a huge improvement compared to last Resident Evil I played, Resident Evil 2 Remake. I didnt bother to review RE 2 Remake because I didnt bought it. I only played it on my PS Plus subscription. I know I played this on PSVR 2 but its still the same as in flat version because its a FPS. The huge difference is the immersion and realism on gameplay. But its still the same gameplay since its still the same FPS camera as the flat version. Even if I played it on flat version I can still enjoy it and give this game 5 stars. I will post a more detailed review soon. Though its a spoiler warning

This review contains spoilers

This is more of detailed review of this game so no disclaimer this time. And even though I played this on PSVR 2 the gameplay remains the same since both flat and VR mode are FPS. With that unto the review.

Graphics--- I also tried the flat version briefly before fully committed to PSVR 2 mode. Both mode have very good graphics. Better compared to Resident Evil 2 Remake. Its obvious making it a FPS means it need more detail to environment and models to stand out. Unlike in third person view games that its OK to shortcut on developing the visuals. Since gamers playing it wont even noticed the graphical flaws.

Gameplay--- This along with graphics makes this game a 10 out of 10. This game is a complete revamp of Resident Evil. No need for resource management and inventory space management. The weapons handling is streamlined too. We can switch from equipped weapons to the next without going to inventory menu. Its not only in PSVR 2. The flat version can also cycle through weapons with a single button press. And because its FPS the guns are realistic in terms of gameplay, sounds, visuals and even on reloading. Again I tried the flat version too. Both PSVR2 and flat version basically the same.

Sound design--- Its great. The music fits with the ambient noise in the background. The music isnt jarring and not ruin the horror atmosphere of the game. The background noises also not too loud. It dont distract from enjoying the game

Story--- As a Resident Evil game its actually very good. It follows the story where Resident Evil 7 left off. Sadly for Resident Evil fans out there the cheesy story of previous RE games are gone. Even though this game is full action horror the game still have serious tone. Even though the horror movie tone of Resident Evil 7 toned down a lot.

Spoiler section--- Dont read this part of the review if you dont want to be spoiled. This cover image alone says a lot. This is double misleading cover. Not only Chris Redfield not the main character throughout this game, he also replaced Ethan Winters towards the end. Means he is now the face of RE franchise again. So in a way the cover image is correct. There are also many retcons in the lore of RE games. For one thing CAPCOM want to erase RE Veronica on official canon. Its not Veronica anymore the one that introduced the zombie viruses, its now Mother Miranda. Its not discovered from a asteroid on Siberia or something. Its now manufactured by Mother Miranda because her daughter have terrible disease.

Overall this game is great not only as a Resident Evil game but as a game as a whole. It wont deserve a GOTY award, its still deserve a perfect score

Disclaimer; I still stand on what I posted earlier about physical media, exclusive titles, individual purchased games and first party exclusives. I reiterate that because of the rumors surrounding Xbox console exclusives mainly Starfield and Hellblade 2 being on PS5 soon. I know SONY fans wants Xbox games on their own system but making Xbox a third party publisher isnt the solution. What first party publishers should do is not make third party publisher games not exclusive on their own platforms. And make their first party games at least a year exclusive to their own platforms.

Its related to my current reviews so far because as people that read these observes, these games are third party exclusives on PSVR 2. My own opinion didnt affect how I reviewed these games thats why I put disclaimer first. Still, this is wrong take to tackle platform exclusivity. These 2 VR games are very good without PSVR 2 exclusivity. Its unfair for VR gamers for these titles to be gatekeeped behind a platform even though it can easily ported to PC VR.

As for the summary of my review this will be brief. My detailed review will be posted soon. TL DR; this game is actual remake of the original RE 4. Whether its the flat version or the VR version on Quest 2. Besides the graphics, change in story, improved gameplay and change in level design theyre practically the same, just improved. Thats why I didnt give this game a 5 star rating. Theres nothing in this game that revolutionized the IP Resident Evil. Just improved the previous formula since Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube

This is more of a preview on my full review rather than a real full review, since I havent finished the game yet. Thats why I wont score this yet. This is basically a AA video game. A fun game I enjoy but certainly not one I recommend. Prefer to buy this on a bargain price or if its free on subscription services. But certainly not for retail price

I could give this game a 3 if I want to. But after realizing this is AAA game and not AA so I give it a 2. If I give and other reviewers give this a average score it means this game is still good enough to warrant a retail price. Which is in this kind of AAA from 50 to 60 dollars price range without discounts. I played this on Gamepass so I dont know the retail price of this game. But this isnt worth the AAA retail price. This game is worth it if its a AA game with bargain price, least 20 dollars to 40 dollars without discount. Sadly unlike in my preview I recommend to stay away on this game. Theres better games out there thats less of a price. Or discounted high quality AAA games months after theyre released. I even regret finished this game. I shouldnt give this game benefit of the doubt in my preview

Its same as Morrowind with better combat and better quest navigation. Its still not revolutionary game of its time. Unless this is better than Gears Of War which also released in same year. At best this is best RPG of the year. Dont hype about this game simply because its a trend to hate on Starfield recently. This game isnt worth the hype just like Morrowind. Besides the better combat and better quest navigation this game have the exact same flaws as Morrowind. This is hype at that time but it cant be consider a classic. Only nostalgia and mods the reason why this is highly acclaimed by RPG fans. PS it also have full voice acting now but its 2006. So I wont add that to my score since its the standard at that time

I played this game before on Nintendo Switch and even then the gameplay, story, mechanics and world building are outdated. I only played one character story before I give up on it. I really try to give this a second chance on Gamepass. But after playing Elder Scrolls Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion this is also one of the games that the hook is nostalgia. Even in 2018 the gameplay is too dated that I think Im playing early PS360Wii JRPG games. Unless you have nostalgia with these kind of JRPGs I dont recommend this game.