Building mechanic is fun, sights are beautiful, story is generic and a little underwhelming. Defiinitely a good iteration on breath of the wild, but I do miss some traditional Zelda game stuff.

I need to stop trusting reddit and 35 year old youtubers.

I feel like I should rate this higher because I put a lot of time and money into this game but I hate league of legends. TFT is sick though.

The final boss music permanently alerted my understanding of music, the best boss track I've ever heard.


Nobody told me this game was going to be so hard... loved it. Made me cry multiple times at the sheer beauty of the music & booklet.

Cool and charming art, but the gameplay never hooked me and I dropped it out of boredom/frustration. Feels like a mobile game, probably more fun if youre bored on the bus.

Best dating sim Ive played. Ending felt weak though, excited for DLC. I love monster girls <3


Soundtrack is SO GOOD, and the ending made me cry hard af. Combat system was alright, interesting at first but I kinda ignored the emotion matchups because fights arent really that hard. The RPG section dragged on for too long imo.

Musics not great, story is bland, art looks good but not in an interesting way. Primarily a walking-sim so not having anything rewarding made this a 4-hour slog I couldnt wait to finish.

Interesting mechanic, fun visuals, but I really wished it was more puzzles and less portal obsessed reddit quality story.

I could play this game forever, wish it was scarier though. Also the ship paint customization interface is the most painful I've ever used. Please let us preview colors and not separate them into multiple mysterious tabs.

I want to love this game as much as everyone else does but it loses so much momentum for me. The planets were crazy atmospheric though, I was scared as hell on the twister planet, and exploring the messages from the collapsing planet was emotionally rewarding.

Honestly I stopped playing when I got to the twin sky ghosts.

Puzzles are fun to complete even if most of them are pretty easy. Dialogue is annoying and grandiose for what is essentially a wall-e plot. Reminds me of Superliminal (for better or for worse).

BEAUTIFUL, honestly my nostalgia brain remembered the gamecube one looking this good (it was good for its time). Loved exploring, music is sick, combat is meh sometimes (definitely the easiest bosses of any metroid game I've played). I think every robot/mech/super suit character needs a morph ball.