17 reviews liked by danielisaacmm

Nuclear Throne no es solo un juego, es una marca vital mia que ha ido poco a poco. Anaitgames, los streams de Pep Sanchez, jugar poco a poco la 1º vez que rebajo en Steam y jugar poco a poco gustándome ese feeling que tiene. Esa dificultad enrabiada que mueres a la mínima, que todo es peligroso.
Porque alcanzar el Trono Nuclear no es un paseo fácil, es de sufrimiento, mucho sufrimiento. Aún recuerdo estar atascado en el boss del mundo 5, morir y morir. Pero, cuando acabe con ese boss, ir a las zonas sorprendido y llegar al trono muriendo sin saber como y flipar, sabia que no sería fácil llegar ahí.
Y no lo ha sido, pero llegue y cayo derrotado. La cosa es que estaba feliz, muy feliz por fin alcancé el trono, mi meta conseguida super feliz estaba (y sigo estando mientras escribo esto). Hasta que suena la canción de los créditos y sentí una felicidad rara, era feliz por fin había cumplido mi meta pero se unía y une una tristeza y un vacío, algo se va y es ese reto.
Nunca pensé que Nuclear Throne me haría llorar y hacerme sentir que lo importante no era el trono, sino el camino recorrido. Escuchar el podcast, ver los directos, charlar con mi amigo Soliz de los podcast y el juego, de jugar y caer en el pique comentando en foro droga del nexo, los audios mañaneros al Klay diciendo lo que llevaba y los vicios al juego, esos momentos de felicidad y alegría
Porque al final jugamos para que nos saquemos una sonrisa un día malo, para reflexionar, porque nos gusta y comentamos con nuestros amigos y gente muy cercana.
Como siempre me he ido por las ramas, pero no esperaba que Nuclear Throne y su canción final me tocasen tanto. Es y será, de mis juegos favoritos de siempre y algo que llevare en el corazón este viaje tan bonito.
Gracias Nuclear Throne.

Gill-bearing aquatic specimen possesses adept innate capacity of rotating around own lateral axis with simultaneous spatial translation for purposes of swift evasive maneuvers in hazardous post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by trigger-happy foes of only marginally natural origin

Not playing this because I would never hurt a woman

Ultrakill feels like it was developed entirely in one night by a dude who snorted a bunch of cocaine, kept saying "you know what would be really sick?" and was right every time

>Playing Deep Rock Galactic
>Walk up to dwarf
>Yell "rock and stone"
>He yells "rock and stone"

it's the little things lads

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

played this while recovering from a major surgery in a hospital. there's probably like entire underground societies and institutions dedicated to this shit, dudes out there formulating the perfect monkey situations and learning optimal placements on each map. there's gotta be like one guy out there with a balloons tower defense tattoo. to me, it's that game i played while bleeding and dying and watching red letter media videos. i don't wanna know it any more intimately than that. it was like a cast for a broken arm on my brain, bracing the suffocating agony of my white ass away from insufferable boredom and loneliness. for that week, i understood the life of the ipad baby.

Takes an already gigantic, power trippy game and cranks it up to 13. More bosses, harder bosses, harder and more meaningful difficulty settings, gargantuan crafting trees that combine into accessories with 20 different tooltips, weapons with damage values in the thousands with unique abilities so cool I find myself fantasizing about using them before the fact, and some of my favorite bosses of all time. Regular Terraria makes you feel like a badass but Calamity makes you feel like you could kill god with your bare hands. This intensity extends even beyond the gameplay, as Calamity takes the base game's tepid aesthetic and morphs it into something a lot edgier and more focused with some semblance of interesting lore, really impressive sprite-work, and one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard in any game. It's actually insane how hard DM DOKURO went on every single song in this mod - the endgame especially is just masterpiece after masterpiece - and it contributes so much to making these already difficult and showy fights feel cinematic. Some things in the mod can feel kind of uninspired, and (much like the base game) there are irritating moments and content that can feel like bloat, but the experience as a whole is fun enough that I don't really mind. I'll probably play 200 more hours of this every year until I die.