This game is legitimately hilarious and has tons of creativity. Sometimes it’s really fun to play but there’s also a lot of repetition to get through which gets old fast.

The art direction in this game is so refreshing, the UI alone is incredibly inspired and what more games should strive for. The music is great throughout as well.

Sadly, I found myself slowly not caring about the plot about halfway through and I feel like that’s partly because there’s just too many characters constantly being introduced. The palaces go from being super interesting conceptually to fairly bland depending on where you are in the story. After a point I realized I was more looking forward to the fighting sections than the scripted parts which is disappointing because the story is what initially kept me playing. But overall, I’m still glad I played something very much outside of my wheelhouse and got a different experience than what I’m used to. That being said, I’ll most likely never play another one of these games ever again.

I apparently got the “Bad” ending and there’s a bunch of stuff I missed. Despite the weird controls on console and the unreliable camera, this still holds up as one of the best survival horror games. That being said, the only way I beat the boss was by exploiting an ammo glitch the devs put in themselves.

I’m not inherently against putting Steve McQueen into video games but this was an awful idea from top to bottom.

For what feels like a GTA III mod, this is fine? The mechanic of lining up your shots while driving works pretty well, I could see this being a fun arcade-type experience to some incredibly patient people.

There’s bits and pieces of a cool “Tenet” shooter here...
Shouldn’t have even been bothered including slow-mo when all it did was make me wish I was replaying the first “Fear” which honestly perfected it 2 years before this released. More time puzzles also could’ve helped make this feel less like just another bullet time FPS.

All that matters is the swinging’s fun.

I remember the free multiplayer on Xbox Live being really fun and chaotic.

Surprisingly ok shooter, especially for a movie tie-in game to BATTLESHIP.

Gameplay is slightly more fun as the soldiers but regardless, this is as rinse-repeat as it gets lol

A fun 3rd person shooter with surprisingly inspired direction that’s unfortunately still attached to a mediocre story and forgettable setting.

For a simple movie tie-in game, this was charming and reminded me a lot of what I loved about the film’s unique art style. Snoopy looks great as a platformer but doesn’t play too smoothly (grabbing onto ledges would’ve helped).

Not as much fun as the 1st HAWX.
The best thing to come out of these games were the MEGA64 ads.

Go play the “Wanted: Weapons of Fate”..

Progressively gaining the ability to jump higher and run faster is especially fun when you can storm a heavily fortified base and b-line directly to kick the head boss off a building that used to seem impossible. HOWEVER, that's not enough to save this from being an overall tedious experience. If you've played a sandbox game with cheats you've played a better version of this, simply slapping a cel shader on everything doesn't hide how bland this world and characters are. The limited arsenal also feels like a missed opportunity. This only started being fun literally at the very end when I was all powered up, meanwhile most of the game is spent trying to find a way onto a building and looking for orbs to hopefully make the game more fun.