i/we/director absolutely love/hate control

pulling out the hidden blade for the first time in vr was probably the single best thing ive ever done
very well done, only complaints were that the game was over 20gb, the parkour was a tad janky (expected for ubisoft) and i did not care for the present day side of the story

i honestly love this game, only complaints were that the story was a bit weak and the parkour could be a bit janky sometimes.
loved the setting of revolution france and the combat was fun
(my first AC btw)

ignore its taken me from like dec 31st last year for me to finish this i dont often play games on my laptop but anyways

the fact this game holds up so well after TWENTY THREE years is insane

tbh i enjoyed this game a lot more than what i expected, gonnna try and write a decent review for this


the story felt a bit all over the place, probably due to the way the sequences are played out, but all of the different sequences didnt feel connected to each other at all storywise, apart from starricks little moments at the start of each one.

i really enjoyed the dynamic between the frye twins, they really felt like a genuine brother and sister duo, espically with the comedic undertone of the game, which i actually enjoyed compared to many people, i felt it helped with the relationship between the two protagonists

i really enjoyed meeting all the famous historical figures like alexander graham bell, charles dickens and queen victoria


felt rather stripped down and simple compared to its predecessor (unity), but was still fun nonethless, the combat was simple yet brutal, and the stealth was fun enough, but the parkour was not good at all compared to previous titles (yes i know its practically impossible to surpass unity in parkour but stil) and the grappling hook just made the traversal so much worse, it completely removed the need to climb up walls when you could just press L1 and youd be at the top in half the time, the grappling hook did have its uses tbf, ziplining across the stupidly wide streets of london was a good use, aswell as using it to get out of combat

open world/side activities-

london was a great setting for the game, but it really felt too large, far too big for an assassins creed game (known for their dense and packed environments), the side content with conquoring all the boroughs was exactly the type of shit i like, with the map being split into smaller portions and those smaller portions having activities to do to then capture/conquer those smaller parts of the map.


i really enjoyed this, probably more than i shouldve but oh well, i had a lot of fun, even though the story was a bit all over the place i still really enjoyed it. unity still better though

it was nice to go back to unity after playing ac3 and syndicate, i missed the actual good parkour and fluid combat in unity, the story was a bit short but its expected from a free dlc

i was going to write a massive review but i physically cannot put my thoughts into words, its a masterpiece in every sense of the word, there are no flaws in this game.

i will be starting my final draft playthrough soon, ill try and write a big review after

heard this was shite but i honestly had so much fun while playing it
basim is just that guy

been trying to play this for a while and i genuinely can’t, my pc can run it fine (abt 30ish fps) but my main problem is that it just keeps freezing, so until i either get over it or get a better computer i wont be playing this

i feel i need to log this purely because of the stupid amount of time ive put into it, i played this loads back in 2019/2020 (abt 100 hours or so), and ive recently picked the game back up and i dont regret it one bit, i love this game so much bro you dont understand

i showed my friend one edit of mr scratch and now shes in love with ilkka villi
great game tho, same excuse for taking so long for max payne

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i’m not kidding when i say it’s taken me 2 fucking years to beat this game, i bought it back in 2022 for 3 quid, and proceeded to play about 45 hours, i then promptly forgot about it and didn’t pick it up until about 2ish months ago, i played from the start of the first vocal chord parasite outbreak to the man who sold the world and i enjoyed every single minute

this is without a doubt the best vr game ever made. it’s just so good