Huge recommend to increase play speed in the settings- can just about double the number of games you can play in the same time period.

Had a fantastic time with this one! Would love to see more of the same

Didn't have the time to make it all the way through but what I did play was an incredibly immersive, detail-lush rootin tooting western sim and I Ioved every bit of it

I've put 100 hrs into various attempts at getting through Act 1

While I'm sure this would be different if I were good at this game I really appreciate Spelunky 2 totally zagging on providing the opportunity for power-fantasy in standard rogue-like fashion. On even my best runs I feel fragile and tentative with every movement.

Like all good roguelike/lites getting that busted luck-sack build on a run after 20 duds is just…. muah

Super nostalgia for me as my brother and I frequently rented this on special occasions. Reminds me of late 90s Christmases.

Beautiful and clever game, extremely playable for something of it’s time


Feels a bit shitty to rank this so low as there is clearly a lot of game below the surface but I am just not feeling engaged with it and would rather move on.

Soft 4 for me - very fun gameplay but I struggled to find the story very interesting, busy and stressful personal life for me rn so maybe just didn’t have the attention span required

Just okay for me - I did not vibe incredibly with the aesthetic and found the replay of early levels while you’re learning the game fairly tedious. Will be fun to throw on every now again but I’m not feeling immersed

I wanted to like this a lot more than I actually did. Without the mario skin this would not really catch me as an rpg on its own.

I respect this game a lot more than I actually want to play it

Contextually important as a game that would go on to influence so much. Was in awe of this game during my first playthrough nearly two decades ago

A little long - repetitive combat, loved the story and minigames