Beautiful storytelling, immersive and enchanting

Wicked game, really fun with a friend - punishingly difficult

Big for it’s time but I would not play it again

Had a great time with this one - had the potential to be very spooky and I wish they’d gone in that direction

Waited months during the original PS4 launch for games to start coming out - had an incredible time when this finally arrived.

Was hoping for a bit more depth, but very fun to play

Great for the first few hours while the choices & dicerolls seem paramount to your success - gameplay gets a bit tedious in the mid to late game when you can pass most dice rolls and there isn’t a huge penalty on just going to sleep instead of risking a bad roll. The worldbuilding and narrative all feel somewhat familiar (in a good way), taking some of the best of like-minded IPs.

Somewhat distracted by busy/stressful work while playing through this and found myself skipping dialog a bit - obviously no fault of the devs, just a personal note.

love to play with those stupid little guys

Love the effort put into the sidequests, really captivating storytelling. Ultimately found the gameplay bland and repetitive and the open world empty.

Had a lot of fun with this one after a handful of false starts, definitely worth putting the time into.

‘How did they think of this’ type situation

Would I have played as much of this game outside of a pandemic? Probably not, but having been there for the moment was special.