Writing, art direction, and premise are all top notch. Gameplay is generally kind of average, it doesn't try much new. However, I think the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

I loved all the robot characters you meet. Each with their own struggles, identities, or malaise.

A great boomer shooter. Not as fondly regarded as Quake, but I think it brings a lot to the table.

If you ignore the quirks of 90s adventure games by referring to a walkthrough after getting stuck, this is a masterpiece. I cant remember the last time a game conveyed such a convincing sense of place. The art, quippy dialogue, and especially the voice acting are all immaculate.

Ive been searching for the same high ever since.

Classic Platinum Games. I love the hammy over the top story and the beat-em-up campaign. It wasn't too different from a stripped down Dynasty Warriors without objectives.

Anarchy Reigns is, at its heart, a fighting game. Which is unfortunate because there were no online games available to join. I really only have a taste of the fighting game mechanics from the single-player campaign. That was enough.

I love the combos and other fighting game mechanics. It's a fun game.

The Something Rotten podcast inspired me to give this a go. Killer 7 bursts with ideas. Games are seldom this whacky, let-alone games out of studios like Capcom. It was a different time.

I haven't finished it yet, but the gameplay is still approachable all these years later.


Soma is a fantastic adventure/psychological-horror game from one of the best studios in the realm. I played w/ "story mode" enabled (where the monsters can't really kill you) and it was still stressful.

Where Soma shines is in its story, writing, and environment. The visuals are quite good, but definitely not revolutionary. I found myself deeply caring for the few characters by the time credits rolled.

Great game, would recommend. Warning: if you're easily susceptible to existential dread, maybe steer clear ;)

This is a game i came back to after a year then finished. I admire it for being that level of pick-up-and-play while still having some depth. Critics might say it gets a bit repetitive but, I loved that i could pick it up, play a level in 5-15 minutes, then put it back down.

The humor seems staunchly British and might not have hit me so hard because I’m a yank, but I still got a bleak chuckle out of the game’s bureaucratic nightmare.

Critics might also say that the games balance is off or that the combat is random and hectic. And theyre right. However on the other the nature of the roguelite genre is to sometimes be stacked and other times be starved. The combat IS awkward at times, but the game tries to tell you that you should be trying to avoid combat or be stealthy. Make smart use of locking doors after you go through them. Lock down sections of ships with warps as much as possible.

Some enemies seem OP, but they all have a counter. Screws can be stunned. The bookish lady’s can be mind-controlled or taken out with explosives from behind.

I liked it. If anything, I wish there were more.

Ok, this game is basically trash. Very basic combat. Bland level designs. A shotgun whose description says something like "deadly up close" and takes at least two shots at point blank to kill the most basic cannon fodder.

After jumping around through the first level you will notice the limitations of the character controller logic. Jumps are laggy after landing due to waiting for the "land" animation to complete. Using any of your abilities feels nonresponsive. You can basically get through the first several levels with only the basic chains and clever strafing and jumping.

It's... Bad.

Mad fun. Proximity chat will be the new hot feature across games if it isn’t already

Max Payne still rules. At times it can be a little difficult and repetitive, but the bullet-time, campy plot, and cinematic flair make it a must play.

I’ve heard The Insert Credit boys, Thorhighheels and more talk about the joys of cavia’s jank, but this is my first exposure. Beat Down oozes a misplaced gritty style reminiscent of over the top Hong Kong gangster flicks but set in a SoCal type location that looks like a NY type location.

The meat and potatoes here are punches and cusses. Every character, both male and female, spouts tough guy fucks and shits.

The punching is jank. You have 5 different punchers to choose from when starting a new game. Your chosen puncher then punches their way through quests across this small interconnected world of hubs that is Las Sombras.

Campy japanese gang warfare mixed with gritty over the type street warfare violence. Good stuff.

The actual 1v1 combat is clunky and took me a while to get used to. Certain opponents felt cheap. They wouldnt act at all while i was blocking, but would atart their attack combos the instant i released the button such that their moves would connect before i had a chance to connect with mine.

This is a first impression, and i doubt i will finish it. But there is fun to be had here.

Ok, I've really only played half an hour and am partway through the second level (aka the first 'real' level) and it's just a blast. I never played these games back in the day, but I played other games of the age. But this? This is the most polished, quality-of-life-stuffed, easy to play game I think i've touched on the ps2. Period. And it's only the 2nd game in the series.

Sometimes a game is more than the sum of its parts. The only thing that would make this game genuinely better is snappier dialog editing. What’s there is great, but sometimes the pacing and pauses between speakers ruins the vibes.

An exceptional "remaster" -- very little changed. Just increased the resolution of some textures, improved a few special effects, and improved some of the face models. All the camp was intact. It's the exact same game. Still great :)