Incredible roguelike shooter. I definitely have phases where I play this game for a week straight every year. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, the level design is great and the enemy design and boss design are fun and engaging to fight against.

However I have a few select complaints. You’re kind of locked into one type of build because I just can’t help but feel I need to build attack speed and crit at all times on MOST characters with a few exceptions (Loader). If you can’t get those items in either a 3D printer or just finding them you’re kind of boned. Also getting one shot for no reason is also really fun…

Overall this is one of the best roguelikes for a reason, def worth a try.

Incredible hack and slash that just makes you feel like a DEMON with the type of combos you can pull off. There's nothing that quite gives me a dopamine hit like air juggling some grunt for 15 seconds and seeing that SSS pop up. I just felt the sections with V were boring and went on too long to some degree. Other than that insane game that I come back to every now and then.

The dopamine hits can only last so long with this hyper scaling driving simulator. The luster of the game kinda wears off after a while.

Only good if you're willing to shell out quite a bit of money for expansions that have mechanics that should've been in the base game. Like the black plague. In a medieval simulation.

Incredible game when it all starts clicking and you start putting the pieces together to break the time loop. The combat and mechanics are fun and engaging like many games Arkane has made.

However, going through the same maps just feels a bit repetitive. I understand that it's the intention of the plot, but it just doesn't work gameplay wise. It becomes kind of a slog when the discovery and exploration phase of your playthrough ends. And the ending was meh.

Good game, just has several flaws.

It is an incredible game that I was finally able to play ever since it was ported to PC. This game is definitely carried by how good the main cast is. Gameplay and game length wise its showed its age for sure. I can understand why this game was so universally acclaimed to begin with.

I'm going to preface this by saying horror games are not my thing because I am a CRAVEN COWARD. But this was the only horror game to keep me engaged enough to keep playing despite my inherent fear of screen pixels. Highly recommend for other people who do not like horror games.

The only thing more dangerous than the local subterranean insect population and laser gun wielding robots is your own teammates who individually have the same weapon funding as the United States defense budget.

To this day, this game is still the standard for rouge-like deck builders. There's a lot of builds you can pull off with the right cards and when it all comes together the game just plays amazing. No run ever feels the same.

However my only complaint is that the RNG shafts you sometimes with the bosses. You'll have a certain build that gets absolutely countered by the floor boss which will end your potential god run.

I am conflicted on how I really feel about this game. The story is really great but the pacing is awful because you can tell the game was rushed. Night City itself is beautiful and immersive (in a morbid way), but there's sections of the map where it is obviously incomplete like Dogtown. It's fun to drive around and sight see in the city but it's still a little poorly optimized despite the updates. There's a good amount of side content and side gigs but there's only one fixer who has a large amount of side quests to give you. You get the idea.

It's a good game but the shortcomings are obvious despite all the updates. There's just some things you cannot fix from a bad launch.

An incredible, perfectly made CRPG that I wish I could go back and play for the first time. The truest DnD experience you could have in a video game. This is the type of game that gives me hope for the future of gaming.

Things I love: The world building, the characters, how everything is voice acted, an almost immersive sim type approach to every situation, different story permutations, choices that MATTER, engaging turn based combat with a huge amount of classes with their respective subclasses and incredible cinematics. This game should be the standard in which other games are produced.

My only complaints: The inventory UI is eh, there are some spells missing from 5e that could have been implemented in this game, and the LACK OF MORE DLCs BECAUSE I LOVE THIS GAME.

Yep, this game slaps.

The Dark Souls II of non FromSoft Souls-likes. Except it's not good.

I think it's one of those games that are overhated but at the same time has its fair share of criticisms.

I'll start with the things I really like about this game. It brought my favorite mechanic in any Souls game ever: Powerstancing. You can earn +1, +2, rings in a standard playthrough. The level design is UNDERRATED with how interactive map elements are. There is bonfire warping at the start.

However, I find the bad in this game sometimes overshadow what I love about it in the first place. Adaptability was the worst mechanic they have ever added. You needed to pump 20 points into this stat sink in order to get acceptable i-frames for your roll. Enemy placement is AWFUL especially in NG+ when they add MORE ENEMY GANKS THAN WHAT IS ALREADY PRESENTED. And the runbacks. Oooohhhh the runbacks made me hollow irl.

I love this game but its a difficult recommendation from me.