Not fun, dead servers, TF2 is better and feels better. I only got this game as part of a bundle

Very different style of puzzle game. Makes you actually think and I got stuck on quite a few sections of the game. Sort of reminds me of Portal in a way. My first playthrough took about 3 hours so it's not super long, but there are different gamemodes and multiplayer

Very fun zombie destruction-type game. The style system makes it more engaging so its not just running around with a gun killing zombies. The challenges also add a lot to do after beating the game.

This is one of the funniest games I have played in a while and the humor really gets crazy in the late/post game parts.

Very fun, very addicting, and very underrated

Very fun once you get into it. Better than Terraria

I don't really know how to describe this game but it's unlike any other game I've ever played. The humor is pretty funny

I don't really play a lot of shooters, but this game is pretty fun and its funny to mess with the portals during a match. I'm decent at shooters and everything, but using portals in one just makes it more fun and they enable you to do some serious trolling.

Having fun with it so far. Pretty good dungeon crawler mmo

It didn't seem like much but after buying it, I literally played it all day. There is a lot to do and a lot to explore. I honestly can't even explain why I love this game since in theory there seems to be just a big sandbox, but I guarantee that once you play it for yourself, you'll know what I'm talking about. Can't wait for the sequel!

I gave this a rating of the average of the rating of the games contained within, not including Showdown because I see it as a bonus alternate game and it kind of sucks.

Shovel of Hope review:

Plague of Shadows review:

Specter of Torment review:

King of Cards review:

Showdown review:

This is a great platformer that managed to exceed my expectations of it. The level design itself is very good and I believe it has a good pace to it (although some of the checkpoints are really far apart). The abilities are all fun to use and are all useful in different situations. The boss fights are all very unique from one another. The pixel art is very well-made. And the music is simply amazing. All of the songs are memorable and I think I added over half of them to my own playlist. The controls were pretty good once you got used to them.

It's a really good game and everything but I'm really annoyed that I accidentally bought this instead of Treasure Trove and by the time I realized it, it was too late to refund this one :(

Definitely very fun when playing with friends. Unfortunately most of my friends don't really care for this game and playing alone is definitely a lot harder, but still fun.

The world is really big and it can be a bit annoying and boring travelling the sea when you're trying to go somewhere and it takes several minutes to just get there in the first place. However, there is no shortage of things to do. You can take on the basic quests from the outposts to get quick coins, but that gets repetitive after a while. You can then do the longer and more lore-focused tall-tails, which require more time be invested when playing. You can also fight the raid bosses and world events that occur randomly.

All in all, fun to play. Definitely play with friends if you can, though.

It's just a hub for hanging out with other people in VR. There are minigames to play and stuff.

Very good mod for Portal 2. I like how it tied back into the base game. The puzzled were actually very well designed and very challenging (maybe its because I haven't played a portal game in a while). I also liked the story since I couldn't really predict what was going to happen quite a few times.

Update: Advanced mode made me want to tear out my hair

A very large step-up in difficulty from the other games, leading to greater satisfaction when solving each level. I'm very impressed on how well the game looks and how good the time portals work. A very good addition to the series that deserves more attention.

I definitely liked this game more than the first one. The story and world/level design is a lot better in my opinion. Still angry that there is no Portal 3 but there are a lot of spin off and community made games so I guess its ok. I want to play the multiplayer story but have no one to play with :(

Also, I've beaten the game so I get to brag about how smart I am