The first installment in one of the greatest video game series ever. The actual gameplay is very fun and the puzzles can be challenging without becoming annoying. The portal mechanic can be really difficult to wrap your head around if you haven't seen it before, but then it becomes very fun to use

The worldbuilding in this game is also amazing with the strange feeling of being alone in a strange place nagging in your mind when you first play through it.

I would give this 5 stars, but I feel that the 2nd game improved on many things from this one that I didn't even know needed improving, so this goes down to 4.5 just to fit room for the improvement of the sequal.

Fun little game that actually gets challenging at points. The story is funny and there are some great jokes sprinkled in. Its also fun to try to get all of the achievements.

This review was written before the game released

Its different. I am used to smash bros and I think that's the reason why I am having trouble getting used to the game, but its definitely worth it for being free. Having to unlock all of the characters with coins is annoying, though

Oh my god! This game is extremely hard! I hate getting stuck on a level.


Its a really good game that takes what is good about normal lego games and mixes it with its own story that is actually pretty crazy if you think about it. The music is really good and the open world is fun to explore.

The only thing I did not care for was trying to collect everything in the game. Since the world is so big, it was extremely difficult, but I still did it so I don't care anymore. I think this is the first lego game I've ever bothered to 100%.

I find this to be a great 'average' VR game. It has a few minigames that each revolve around a separate theme and it's fun to see for the first time. This is a good baseline for how good VR games should at least be. Not really much more to say than that.


I haven't seen a platformer like this that I can remember in all my video-gaming experience. While hiding the platforms isn't a new concept, the way this game expands on that concept by showing the surfaces you've touched and around where you have died makes for an interesting challenge and a beautiful artstyle.

The only things that pull this game down are that it is very short and there isn't much else to do after beating the final level. If I remember correctly, there are only around 75 levels, which evaluates to only a few hours of game time. Then after clearing all of the levels, there is simply not much to do. There are some hidden collectables and some steam achievements that involve not dying, but that's pretty much it.

Overall, very solid game if you want to try something new in the platforming genre that doesn't take too long to beat.

The beginning is very fun in my opinion. The early levels are just to show you how to play the game and it is fun to watch your machines work correctly. Also, the lore-building with the little secrets scattered throughout the levels is very good and adds an element of dread and mystery to the game that I was not expecting.

However, I am currently stuck in the second half of the game where the levels are significantly harder than before. This increase in challenge makes it even better when clearing a level, but the whole part I'm stuck on is beating the level, so it just feels like a chore to me since I can't figure it out. I really want to finish the game, but there is no hint system that I can find and I don't want to resort to looking the answer up online.

I would give this game 5 stars if there was some sort of hint system available in order to help players finish the game, but since there isn't, I'll put it at 4.5 for now. That being said, the game is very well made and everything about it is very polished and clean, but the difficulty is just a bit too unforgiving in my opinion.

Ok now that I've finished everything except Pantheon 5 and some Hall of Gods challenges, I can write a complete review.

The world visuals are incredible. The hand-drawn look to the characters and the artistic backgrounds are very impressive to just look at. The music is amazing and every track sets the tone of the area or fight perfectly and most of the music is good enough to listen to outside of the game. The controls are very fluid and very responsive, which makes platforming and combat very satisfying to engage in.

Speaking of combat, the boss fights are amazing to play. Besides a few bosses that would be better classified as mini-bosses, every boss is completely unique from the others and each provide an appropriate level of challenge for where they are in the game. Even when it gets almost trivial to fight them once you've gotten max upgrades and know their patterns, the fights are still incredibly fun to play. The only boss that I actively dislike fighting against is Grey Prince Zote.

The world-building and lore in this game is extremely well-done and there is so much to learn about the world and the characters within. Nothing feels like it was just thrown in for no reason, which makes it even more interesting and rewarding to fully explore the world.

The staple of Metroid-vania games, the exploration and collection of every item available, is done pretty well. All of the abilities are quite easy to find and each makes it a lot easier to explore the world. The only thing that gets a little annoying is in the late-game when you might be looking for the last few items, since the game doesn't give hints essentially at all. There is a map of all grub locations that you can find, but that is it for helping with collectibles without resorting to the internet.

This is a game that I definitely think everyone should at least try at some point. Especially since it is an indie game with this much quality put into it. I will definitely be playing the sequel when it comes out.

Very fun 3d platformer. Gameplay reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy and graphics remind me of Crash Bandicoot. Very well made and worth the money. There is also a lot to collect and a LOT of postgame content to chew on.

When compared to the original, I suppose it is an upgrade, although the only improvements I noticed were the flashlight and water, which were good. I also think the textures were changed? I prefer the original textures. There were a few points where there were some texture glitches and I teleported out of the world at one point. I only played this game because it was in my library after getting the half life bundle. If you are looking to get into half life, I recommend playing the original. (I haven't played Black Mesa yet so I can't speak to that)

Quite a good expansion on the half life universe. I absolutely liked it better than blue shift since this one seemed closer to the original game. I liked the way the story tied into the main game.

I do not care for this game at all. It is supposed to be just you running around a server and killing other players with no other objective in mind. You can do the exact same thing but more fun in gmod and gmod offers more to do than just that.

That may have been what it started out as, but no there is no one playing it at all. I got this game in a bundle and just wanted to see what it was and there was quite literally about 5 people in servers total. I joined one with one other person and it was just us running around killing each other for 8 minutes before I got bored enough to quit. Again, you could do this in gmod and there would be actual people to play with.

Nice and short spin-off of the first game that only took a few hours to finish. It was fun to see parts of the main game happening while doing something else. It was obviously the same as the main game in terms of gameplay that just told the same story from a different perspective.

It's interesting to hear and see how some of hl2 works in terms of performance and level design. It would be interesting to see this for other games.