I played Blood Omen directly after playing Zelda: A Link to the Past and my god are these two games similar and very very different at the same time. Zelda gets so many things right and it's strange to see Blood Omen, released over 4 years later, get so many of them wrong. Wonky combat system, uninspired level design, weird inventory management, storyline at times strangely disconnected. The game feels like it is just going to fall apart at any moment of it's playtime. And even my incredible amounts of low-poly nostalgia couldn't make me not cringe at the incredibly ugly 3d animated cutscenes.

Despite all that, Blood Omen manages to create an unparalleled dark, gothic atmosphere. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing. The voice acting is on a level I don't remember ever hearing in a video game. Kain's voice actor went full in on his role. The way Kain is written is very engaging, developing slowly from being just a bitter, arrogant, self-centred misanthrope into contemplating the strange, cruel world around him and developing a complex relationship with fate.

The spells and magic items are so good. They are so over the top and gory and brutal, they really feel like the type of magic a bloodthirsty vampire would use. The first magic item flays the skin of the enemy, killing them instantly, and at first it feels a bit overpowered are extremely brutal. But it just keeps getting better from there. Expect to kill enemies in very very bloody ways. The mind control spell also gets my commendation for how well it was implemented.
Favourite spell: Blood Shower

Also, the UI design is so good. Bring back that UI that takes up almost half of the screen for no good reason.

For all it's flaws, I love Blood Omen with my entire heart.

Love Molly Moon!
Looking forward to the full game :))))

Loved chapter 1. The chapter 1 alone I would give 5 stars. A clear idea, lovingly executed. A simple, engaging plot. Creative game mechanics.
Chapter 2 felt more convoluted and less engaging.
Chapter 3 has a good structure, but still incomparable to chapter 1.

Just for the Creature Creator this game gets 5 stars. It's so silly and fun. And the way you hybridize your creatures has a real effect on the gameplay!
More games should have a mechanic so absurd at their core.

Love this game. Incredible horror comedy.
The world needs more of this, whatever it is.

Love this game to the death. An underrated gem.

This game!!!
It's simultaneously janky trash and amazingly thought through! The humor is great, the spooks are spooky, the choices feel meaningful.
Utter camp.
I desperately need more of this!

A unique, lovingly crafted game.

Played and replayed this game endlessly. It goes surprisingly in depth with the areas, enemies, skill trees and storylines to follow.

This review contains spoilers

This is my first Castlevania game, and I am pretty impressed!

Playing it felt like playing a 2D Dark Souls game, with speed ramped up and difficulty ramped down. It features so many action-RPG elements that are instantly recognisable in more modern action-RPGs.

Dracula's castle, in which the game finds place, is huge and it's a delight to explore it in the game's non-linear fashion. Level and environment design are super creative and each area has its own distinct look and feel. The area-specific soundtracks are a blessing, and some of them are pretty funky! There is a surprising number of bosses in this game, and their designs are very inspired!

The catholic aesthetics is very fitting for a dark vampire story and is interpreted in a way that raises the atmosphere of the game to the next level. The "Inverted Castle" of the second half of the game is surprisingly in character to the catholic theme, with the inversion of catholic iconography symbolizing the evil of the place in which Dracula gets resurrected.

I can't not compare Castlevania: Symphony of the Night with Blood Omen, released just a year prior. They are both action RPGs featuring a bitter vampiric protagonist who can shapeshift into a bat, a wolf and a mist form. But they are very different games in what they do good. Symphony of the Night's visuals are amazing, creature and level design is top notch, action is fast and engaging. Blood Omen has an excellent atmosphere, surprisingly good voice acting, and an engaging protagonist. Symphony of the Night is definitely the more polished game with way better gameplay, but surprisingly, Blood Omen did the the shapeshifting better. In Symphony of the Night, I found no use for the wolf form, the bat form and the mist form are effectively the same, and there were maybe 3 special "mist could pass" gates in total. Which is a shame, because I expected a game that does so much right to show some love for the shapeshifting. Alas.

Also, the final Dracula boss fight was too easy, ended too fast and didn't have enough phases. That was a bit anticlimactic.

Favourite boss: that orb of human bodies that keeps spilling unfortunate humans into an endless procession that shuffles towards the both exits. In a tall room filled with mountains of skulls. Very medieval, very grotesque.

Not going to lie, this weird little game is probably the scariest game i ever played.
I was terrified throughout almost its entire (luckily very short) playtime. It's an absolute nightmare. The horror is pretty basic, but it WORKS.

leg horse you pompous bastard

played this when i was 6. changed my brain forever.