endroll's grifter cousin that forgot to pay rent

ate this shit up. found the writing really beautiful and every sentence felt like it was there for a reason.

a game of its own kind. truthfully i was never a yume nikki kid growing up, but from what i did play i could see the appeal. it gave birth to a lot of games that cite it as an inspiration. so i will always have respect for it!!

god i cannot even begin to describe how well layered and written this game is. i love it in its entirety, and i look forward to seeing what other games the creators end up developing.

octopath is beautiful, but certainly not a masterpiece. it's not a bad game by any means, and i quite like being able to steal from npcs. however, all party members play less relevance to eachother's stories then it's concept suggests. complexity does not necessitate quality—each story for each traveler isn't bad. a bit basic. but not bad. however, it didn't feel like this big grand thing it hypes itself up to be. (to be edited)

are you ready to die kim ji-hoon

shit i would find on a predator's goty. the worst of deep sea prisoner's games.

(rating to be edited i need to replay it after several years)

when the english fan translation drops or i learn japanese the wedding is back on

i thought it was fucking hilarious. humor is subjective but the creator knows exactly what they're doing for each game and i love that for them.

i trust a bitch who tells me they play league more than a bitch who tells me they play genshin impact

absolutely phenomenal. a considerate lack of loose ends in the overall narrative that's fun with satisfying puzzle mechanics to complement it. has one of my favorite artstyles ever.

and there is a cute little dog worth playing for.

his name is missile if you cared.

fire emblem fates is really damn fun when you don't have the story bitching in your ear about anankos

solid presentation and lovely art. i have more to say, but it 's not entirely positive. (to be edited)

miwashiba's first ever game. it's honestly not that good. while not horribly offensive, it's probably boring at worst. plays with fairy tale motifs, but i think the overall plot just feels unsatisfying. there are things that are explained more in the light novel (from which i have yet to read outside of small translated parts) however it's not accessible to the english audience in any capacity.

cute art, however. and i do miss this style of miwashiba's art. i won't be too mean since it's very evident this is their first game.