There's basically nothing of note to say here. The Deadly Six are some of the least interesting bosses ever, Sonic feels heavy as a rock, the game is very generic in terms of theming, and the game refuses to stick to one gameplay style for longer than 2 stages. However, I didn't find anything egregious, just boring. I did like the music and graphics though

What a game. Truly has some of the best storytelling this medium has to offer. The gameplay was fun and the in engine cutscenes and graphics as a whole were breathtaking. My only complaint is the RPG elements which I found kind of tacked on, although not so intrusive it ruined the entire experience.

(Only played Mario U, haven't played Luigi U but will get to it)

It's a New Super game, so at its core it's a good game. The bad part is that I've basically played and 100%ed this game 3 other times on 3 other systems. I was bored so much throughout and can only really recommend it if you HAVE to see what New Super is about. But if you're looking for a 2D Mario on Switch I wonder why you don't go for Wonder. This was probably the game I was dreading most on my shelved, so at least I got it out of the way.

Maybe I'll come back, maybe I won't. Couldn't really keep my attention

Eh. Kinda funny, some puzzles felt dumb. Worth a try if you have an hour or two to burn and like puzzles

I feel like I can't say much on this game but this is an experience I think everyone should have at some point. The eye detection worked well and I'd recommend it if your setup allows for it, even though my eyes are kind of sensitive to some environments and I "accidentally" blinked a few times.

Look, it's a good game. It's built off a solid base and the general gameplay is still fun. But I found about half of the game great, and the other half a slog and it kept trying to make the nothing story seem like it was something.

Good time. I thought the grapple hook was going to have a bigger role but it really boils down to "run here and click RB" but other than that it's just more Resi 4 Remake and there's not much more I could ask for. Ammo is more limited too which is kinda more tense and fun.

The second half of the game was better but I still wasn't having a lot of fun with this one. The cover system felt like it worked against you and it along with the movement didn't feel like I WAS Nathan Drake, but rather like I was clumsily controlling him. It may be somewhat impressive for early PS3 graphically and scale-wise, but not from a gameplay sense. I did hear the sequels are better though and this was really just to play the whole series.

Amazing game. As someone with very little connection to Spider Man or Marvel in general, it was great seeing this game still be fun to me. The combat was fun and the swinging is wildly impressive. Curious to see how Miles Morales and Spider Man 2 step it up.

Also, the 60 fps upgrade on PS5 was great and got around the barrier of playing the game on PS4.

Playing with friends makes any game better but with all the crazy wacky shit this game has it's amplified so much and is amazing. It's one of a few games I can consistently come back to anytime

It's fine enough, I just wish they waited 2-3 years and did an Ocarina of Time sort of remake with entirely redone assets. It was fun but not exciting enough to keep playing with other games.

Pretty good game. I’m pretty bad at puzzles so I did look up a couple but overall the concept and most part execution worked. Also I’m sure the programming sucked and I feel so bad for the devs.

This game nailed everything for me. Basically everything felt polished and I had a blast throughout. I'm shocked they made an almost perfect game even better. I liked the quicker pace and how some characters had more of a connection in the story a lot.