About You: Video Games (frommybed)

found this from YALP. Added some new categories per YALP's prompt :^ all the newly added categories are at the bottom.

CHANGELOG: Changed "Batshit Insane Game" From Toilet in Wonderland to Squirrel Stapler. I love TiW very dearly but Squirrel Stapler is just much more on brand for me bc of some inside jokes amongst my irl friends :P

Favorite Game Of All Time
Maybe a bit cliche but a solid pick I think. I love pretty much everything about it, even if I'm terrible at it lmaoo
Favorite Series
YEAH I'm just a sucker for these games tbh. Suuuper love all the Yo-kai designs, even if some are just recolors of each other lol. The combat in 1 & 2 is honestly sooo engaging and addicting it's criminal
Best Soundtrack
Yeah, yeah there are many other games on this list which have "better" soundtracks, but the reason THIS one wins is because honestly it's sooooo nostalgic for me. This game's music feels like settling in bed or on a comfy chair and getting wrapped up in my favorite blanket, sipping my favorite tea, and reading a book or playing a chill game on a rainy day. The vibes are just sooo immaculate.
Favorite Protagonist
Artemy Burakh is everything you could ever want in a man. Change my mind.
Favorite Antagonist
Miles Edgeworth my beloved.....
Best Story
This game's story is FANTASTIC. The narrative weaving of the three routes is just, so well done. And I love how obtuse and philosophical this game is. This game rlly has a way of giving you brain worms and making you to think. Well, if you aren't off-put by it's... everything else.
Games You Have Not Played But Want To
I just KNOW I'll get utterly lost in the sauce when I finally play this game so I've been holding off bc I have too much important shit to do irl ToT
You Love, Everyone Hates
Is this game optimized Well? No. Is it a buggy mess? Yes. Is it even that good from a critical standpoint? Not even close. Did I have a fuck ton of fun launch week? Yessssss
You Hate, Everyone Loves
I'm sorry!! It's just really fucking boring!!
Batshit Insane Game
God is Coming in 5 days...
Best Art Style
Another that's pretty self explanatory imo. Okami's art style is literally fucking breathtaking and if you don't think so you're fucking lying.
Favorite Ending
This game made me cry. It was also a veeeery close contender for Best Protagonist AND Best Story but ultimately I wanted to highlight it here. I won't talk about it bc MAJOR spoilers but. Really this game is absolutely phenomenal. If you don't have the time to sink into such a huge visual novel then I totally recommend you watch the anime, bc this story changed my brain chemistry and it's absolutely worth experiencing in any way you can.
Favorite Boss Fight
Another strong contender for many, many other categories which I ultimately chose to highlight something specific about instead. Candelabracadabra was soo menacing and difficult, but also VERY satisfying imo. Absolutely stellar character design as well. Awesome fight all around.
Childhood Game
Not the first game I'd ever played, but certainly the one I have the fondest memories of from the youngest age.
Relaxing Game
When you've got the in-game time limit, not so much, but I usually play Stardew Valley modded to hell in back so I just, increase the amount of time very day lasts and suddenly, this game becomes so zen for me. I looove making mental lists of goals and checking off things once I've completed them, but that might be the autism talking.
Stressful Game
I am really bad at precision platforming!! But I had so much fun regardless :3 I really do love Celeste!
Game That Depressed You
This is supposed to be a fun list with silly jokes so I won't talk about why, but if you're curious, feel free to google the game's creator, Robert "Wertpol" Brock.
Game You Always Come Back To
There's just something about Minecraft that always has me returning to it, even if I only ever play it every once in a while.
Guilty Pleasure
Game That Would Cause A Divorce
If my future spouse ever insults this game, I'd get my lawyer and serve divorce papers on the spot ong
Tons of Hours Played
I think I have over 600 hours, which is probably the most I have on any game.
Evil Game
It's just standing there... menacingly.....
Funniest Bug/Glitch
Best Community
The fact this game is a HUGE communal effort is just so fucking impressive and wholesome. This game's community has so many talented and wonderful folks behind it. mwah kisses for everyone in this game's discord <3
Cursed Game
I feel there is a very important distinction to be made here about "cursed" and "evil". Can I articulate it? Not really. But I feel it's an important one to make none the less
Avant Garde Game
I really, really love this game, but I can't deny it IS a little pretentious lol
Game That Scared The Shit Out Of Me
Submarines are my actual worst nightmare. 10/10
Favorite Side Character
I would actually die for Sidon. Don't think that's very controversial.
Most Disappointing
I went in with low expectations and was somehow still disappointed. A LOT of missed potential.
Most Pleasantly Surprising
Went in with no expectations and ended up really enjoying my time with it.


3 months ago

Damn I really need to get around to playing Pathologic 2. "Game That Scared The Shit Out Of Me" is also a great addition.

3 months ago

@_YALP Tysm!! I had a lot of fun with your prompts! "Evil Game" rlly was inspired haha. And best of luck when you get around to doing that P2 run ;P

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