Don't play Eternal first or it'll be hard to go back. Still a great game in it's own right.

Fast paced FPS fun. Makes its' predecessor look like a piece of shit in comparison.

This game is like if Spiderman (2018) had the exaggerated swagger of a black teen.

The narrative sat with me for ages after I completed it, and it genuinely helped me let go of some of the bullshit I had been dealing with in my own life. For that I have to give it 5 stars.


Bring a chick home and show them this game.

God of War (2018) but turned up to 11. I had to restart my game 16 hours in due to a bug, but I refuse to let that sour my experience. Have awesome memories playing this game.

Nothing could've ever prepared me for the absolute masterpiece this game is.

Bought it on release. First session was 20 hours. Phenomenal game.

Hands down one of the best games I've ever played.

Game looks stunning. Traversal was nuts. Story was great, well acted. Symbiote was awesome. Miles is MVP. Wish the game was a tad longer.