The opening cutscene of the game is so edgy and goofy that it perfectly sets the tone of the game. The gameplay is suprisingly fun and enjoyable throughout. Honestly the story is kind of a weird mess that tries to allow the player to make "important decisions" that barely actually matter. In the end, it is an alright experience.

This game tries so hard to be serious, but it uses FMVs to push the narrative forward, and they are always so fucking fake and stupid I love it. Oh and the driving is cool I guess.

This game is like the old classic trilogy. Including the level design. I'll prob. need to finish it up one day.

I remember the campaign being pretty dry. The multiplayer stands out to me as being so different to the rest of the franchise. It was decent.

Once you look past the dated graphics and platformer jank of the early 2000s, you got yourself one of the best and most unique 3D platformers out there.

This game on paper reeks mediocraty. The "top-down" gameplay is repetitive and uninspiring, some mechanics are just straight up bizarre (the "shooting down on a edge" mechanic is ???) and it looks quite rough for a 2016 game.
Despite all of that, I always look rather fondly back to this game. The setting - A 1950s sci-fi movie set inside a directors commentary - and characters ooze soo much charm and personality that it basically carries the game. The ending though is quite confusing and weird.

If you have nothing else to do, maybe check this game out.

Despite providing a unique take on the XCOM forumla, it fails to truly bring a good designed experience to the table. You realize the "openess" of the game is just an illusion as every encounter just boils down to singling out one enemy, defeating them until there is just a handful of enemies left so you can ambush them and win the battle. Trying to fight aggressively is just not viable and worth it when you can just repeatedly use this one strategy over and over until the credits roll after 10+ hours of playtime.
It's a shame, because the setting and world-design are so damn captivating. Sadly, the story is very clichéd and the twist at the end can be seen from a mile away.

If you like this genre, give it go. Maybe you'll enjoy it.

Absolutely wonderful experience. I am astonished by its technical and creative execution. While the story follows a basic twist with very poetic writing, its just so brillantly executed upon that I would recommend you to play this 10 minute experience.

Teslagrad uses it's physics-based level design and mechanics to its fullest to create a compelling and thought through 2D platforming experience. However, some platforming becomes a tug of war with Unity's Physics System, which just cause a lot of headaches (also some platforming is too "pixel"-perfect/tight for my taste).
I love the artstyle and the pacing is pretty good up until near the ending where the progression is blocked by reaching an arbitrary number of collectibles and results in unnecessary backtracking, which wasn't really annoying in the end, but the fact that it existed bugs me immensly, since its only there to stretch out the playtime. The bosses are just Meat Boy bosses, but just 10x worse - One Hit Death's on Bosses is not fun in a puzzle platformer!

Other than that, it is a joyous platforming experience.

Interacting with this almost alien like User Interface to analyse this alien-like landscape is so intriguing and engaging. The designer basically just hoped that the player just "figures it out" by fiddling it around and using abstract cues and honestly it works amazingly. There is a narrative to be found, though I wished it was more intertwined into the gameplay instead of just used as little rewards for the player.

It's good to finally play one of the genre-defining titles of "walking sims" after having played a lot of the later ones.

...I get where the term comes from now.

I am a big wuss when it comes to spooky shit, but aside from the very beginning (?), the game fails to be scary. It contains a lot of the basic formular one would see in a a-typical horror game, but cannot build any tension for whatever reason. The execution of the story feels a bit... comical? Like it tries so hard to tell a engaging narrative, but it just feels silly.
Overall, it's baby's first steps to the horror genre.

The worst of the Raving Rabbids games.

It's a 1999 licensed video game that is good. Genuinely an anomaly.