actually prettu fun when you get into it, calming and a good game to just play without thinking

not all the hype..
finished it in like a hour and tbh it was kinda lame
savve your monneyy!!!

people are agressive and send you death threats

cutest thing EVA
some puzzles are puzzley but still would 100%% recommend this game completed me

its kinda boring..
trying to tuff myself through it though cause i know theres good lore and storylines but tbh its just kinda boring

this game healed me
perfect cozy game
i love love love this

deffinatly not as good as the original.
storyline just wasnt hitting.. adding a blue fucking weed drink was not going to excuse the fact you dont have a proper storyline or cute characters anymore..
still completed it
kinda boring not the best

its cute its giving me everything
its kinda boring
but its coolyo

loved watching my girls journey
calming experience i could literally play this over and over and not get bored

minecraft on steriods
kinda confused me at first
got to be in a goofy mood to enjoy playing this
its cool its hip and its something diffrent

i love killing angry litte males
still play this when im at my lowest

fun for when your bored
nothing much to say about this
average game fun fun anf cheap so would recommend ig