I wish i could fuck that guy's ass

I wish i could fuck that guy's ass

I turned down the dialogue volumes to zero and it actually made the game enjoyable

I played the shit out of this

I'm really sorry this is garbage. Not because of anime, but the gameplay is boring, the character/gacha system really ruins any possible enjoyment i could've gotten from this game.

I wish i could fuck that guy's ass

The gameplay is really, i mean REALLY, good for it's genre. It's faster than its predecessors. Story is really good up until the ending. It's clearly rushed because EA gave them tight deadline. The original writer of ME1 and ME2 also left, so the story direction can be confusing because of tone differences. And yeah, in an interview, it wasn't supposed to be like this. Still a solid third person shooter with better stories than any game out there.

I played this because i was curious about the programming-side of the game. Pretty good twists though.


played around 10 hours of this. Not into roguelikes that much but this has solid gameplay

You have no idea how life-changing this was for me

Great rogulike. I played this the most because i can play it with friends