Nowhere along the course of events are you ever given the opportunity to be a good person. Nothing has concerned me more than reading that the story was largely based off the developer’s own past and experiences like baby hit my line cos clearly you need lunch and a fuckin Xanax.

Kinda short and lacking in the dynamism of Smooth Moves’ dedicated multiplayer modes, alongside character designs that never survived Get It Together, but it’s Warioware, you play it drunk with a buddy and take the piss whenever it makes them do the dick-sucking pose. Possibly my GOTY - Wario is the chosen Muad’Dib fighting against the death knell of the couch-co-op era.

Story is pretty much the philosophical equivalent of dad-rock; "life is worth living!" and all of that, but Io's art is so beautiful that it overpowers pretty much anything else you can say about this game.


Indelible. RIP Parun, a true visionary.

The only game where you can buy and listen to a Qypthone CD, which I think should be a feature in more games. Some of the artists on the soundtrack are such deep cuts they literally do not have a discography outside of their singular tracks for this game - there's having your finger on the pulse of current music trends, and then there's reaching into music's chest cavity and pumping the heartbeat with your own bare hands.

Don't you think blondes have more fun?

a Nier fan's spin on Resident Evil. maybe feels a little unfair to reduce it to its influences, but signalis absolutely wears said influences on its sleeve - at one point i was like yeah the developers for sure loved evangelion cos of all the huge kanji cut-ins and then they 1:1 ripped the one shot of shinji from eva episode 26 n i was like ah yep that makes sense. Only even played this game cos of the generational lesbian fanart that was coming out of the fandom so imagine my surprise when suddenly i'm fighting for my fucking life for 10 hours. goated game, thank you harper for the rec

Compared to Termina this game feels like it was made in the Stone Age. Still a great time, especially if you love a game that not only refuses to hold your hand but will hit you with a jiu-jitsu arm-breaking manoeuvre and then spit on you while you're on the ground. And then the ambulance that you called will run you over by accident. What is in the water in Finland that makes them make games like this?

Nothing has surprised me less than when the developer of this game posted a video game topster and 80% of it was just Resident Evil & Final Fantasy.

in which yoko taro basically acknowledges that automata was his magnum opus by double-dog-daring you to play a shitty game three times over to reach the new ending, which is just nier: automata again. between replicant, automata and the two mobile games automata has done collaborations with now i think yoko taro just has a fetish for deleting your save data. i respect the techdom daddy realness but if he pulls this shit ever again im killing him with hammers. three stars for kaine

the game sucks but that’s part of the fromsoft experience