Nothing more you could want from a classicvania (aside from cheesy anime cutscenes, but we can't all be rondo of blood). Simon feels solid and surprisingly not too bad to control, the levels are beautiful and colorful, and there's a decent but not overwhelming amount of challenge (as evidenced by the fact that I was able to complete it). Maybe some levels went a bit too hogwild with the new graphical freedoms of the SNES (the ghosts in the treasury for example), but I can't blame them for having a good time.


As a cat lover, I expected to be easily charmed (and all the little cat touches were fantastic), but I was also impressed with just how much I enjoyed spending time in this world. Certainly didn’t reinvent the wheel in terms of gameplay, but it doesn’t overstay its welcome and it’s a wonderful experience while it lasts.

I played this to say that I did, and. Yeah it is pretty terrible. It’s incredibly easy to keep falling into the same pit over and over, the collision detection is wonky, and it’s very repetitive. A lot of games of the era are, but there’s a difference between a repetitive game that really lets you get into the groove and falling into holes over and over.

I will say, it’s definitely not bad enough to have caused the crash all on its own. It’s terrible, but there were a variety of other factors and this miserable beast doesn’t deserve sole blame.

Worst game ever? I don’t know, I’m sure there’s worse out there.

the story behind what happened to this game is far more interesting than the game ever was

This is a perfectly serviceable castlevania game, but it’s hard not to yearn for the far superior design and writing of the previous game. The magic seal system is awful and stinks of “well we have to use the touchscreen somehow”. The crafting system isn’t much better with how awful soul drop rates are. Fortunately the other ds castlevanias are much better.

how the fuck were people hurting themselves with this

Kid Dracula is the pinnacle of character design.

As for actual thoughts, this is a fun, charming, and surprisingly challenging little platformer! I played it via the CV Anniversary collection, and noticed the game had a lot of trouble with moving objects. Lots of unpleasant flashing. I also had to beat the final boss twice to see the ending since it glitched out and wouldn’t die the first time. Don’t know if these issues are exclusive to the port, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

Some of the mini games are very poorly balanced, but it’s an enjoyable experience.

I was worried this was going to be a case of style over substance, but this game is as fun to play as it is to look at. Aside from a few issues (some of Issun’s creepy dialogue, the noise being played when characters are talking being a little irritating), this was a great time.

A neat piece of history, but not a tremendously fun experience

Very impressive for its time, still worth a look today.

My siblings and I finally 100%ed this game after playing it on and off for years and honestly I am still riding that high. fuck the beep blocks

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man soma just has to go back to highschool now. man's dracula and he needs to study for his precalc test

There isn't a whole lot to this game BUT alice transgenderism real so it's a win