Very different game. For me, not immediately intuitive, but as I got started, the game grew on me. However, I didn't feel very challenged or moved. It was an interesting experience, with some aspects I haven't seen before, but little more.

A really fun and innovative game. There is so much creativity and fun surprises along the way. I really enjoyed a lot of the wonder effects, and the level design was great. This is one of few games I have 100% completed. The local multiplayer is also fun.

I enjoyed a lot of aspects about this game. The art is so beautiful and detailed, the very different boss fights are difficult, but rewarding when you finally beat them. However, there are aspects of this game that I do not like as much. The exploration is too hard, as the whole map is vast, and there is no hints as to where to go next. Also, the backtracking when you die, to get back to your ghost, or to get back to the boss you are currently fighting, is just dull. It really takes a lot of the fun out of the game, and the backtracking feels more like a chore than fun. In addition, for me, the difficulty becomes too much. I needed too many attempts to beat some of the bosses, to the point where it becomes more frustrating than anything. With some guidance on where to go, and some slightly easier boss fights, this could have been a top game for me. I still think it was fun to play, for the most part.

A truly fantastic game. The gameplay is just a lot of fun, the music is great, the story is well told and interesting, and the graphics are pretty. The length of the main game (playing to the credits) is just right, in my opinion, and doesn't get unnecessary long, like I think several other games do. In addition, there is a ton of extra challenges that can keep players interested for a long time.

The consept was interesting and there was some charm and humor to doing pranks. However, the game was very slow paced. I didn't always find it easy to understand what needed to be done to complete a task. In such moments, nothing happens, the music stops and it stops the moment of the game. This game didn't quite meet my expectations.

A game with many interesting aspects. Some fun dungeons and puzzles, and some interesting tools. However, the game was way too long relative to its content. The game would have been a better experience if it was condensed down to half the play time. Also, the controls were frustrating, especially during some of the boss fights. By the time I finished the game, I was tired of it. However, I really did enjoy many parts of it along the way.

The story was partially entertaining, but the game didn't really click for me. I see many people really like this game, but I didn't find it very interesting or funny.

I enjoyed this game so much. There are so many aspects that I liked, but what I maybe enjoyed the most was exploring the new mechanicas, and coming up with solutions to problems using them. This game is in my opinion best when played knowing nothing up front, and figuring it out for yourself. Some frame rate issues is the only negative thing I have to say, but it doesn't get it the way of the game play, so it doesn't matter.

Short and relatively simple point and click adventure game. Not bad, but not too much too it either. Nice drawings, but the puzzles were either straight forward or sometimes not that logical. There is a story, but it's not enough to get me really engaged. Also, first time I have experienced a Switch game crash. Happened just once, so not a really an issue.

Really fun game. Very good looking, fun puzzles and varied and really polished levels.

A fantastic game! The mechanics are smooth and fun, the story is wonderful and the music is just amazing!

Great game with fun puzzles. Some frustration along the way because a few times, I found it difficult to know how to procede. But a fun experience all in all.

Pretty good puzzle game. I didn't find it very original, or very exciting, but overall, entertaining enough. The story gets more interesting towards the end, and improves the overall experience.

Interesting concept and puzzle solving. Fun to play through, but not really a fully engaging experience for me.


A truly addictive and great game! It took me a few hours to really get into it, but it just kept getting better and more addictive the more I played. It rewards you just enough that you get a steady progress through every run. Excellent graphics and amazing voice acting makes the game really polished! The game does however struggle on the Switch. In intense fights, with lot's of graphical effects, the machine is not able to keep up. This is quite annoying, as it's really when the game is most intense you need it the most to run smoothly. Though I have joyed to play this a lot on the switch, I would assume it's better on a more powerful device. Without these issues, I would give this game 10/10.