It's boring. It has severe pacing issues. The challenges presented are more tedious than stimulating. The "RPG" elements are basically non-existent. The combat is terrible. Building is creative but also completely unrewarding. Minecraft doesn't know what it wants to be and accomplishes nothing well, except that initial feeling of awesome scale that quickly turns to disappointment when you realize there is nothing to do in its infinitely huge world.


Good levels and lots of polish but man is this game fucking boring. Enemies soak up all your precious bullets encouraging you to never shoot them. Doom dragged its legs so that every other shooter could run. It's ok.

This game murdered my expectations. It's free, real short, and funny. You should play it.

It looks and sounds really cool and the vibe is immaculate. The presentation is just so stylish. You can see the love put into Killer7, and the concepts presented are very novel and refreshing. It is a 10/10 in nearly every category.

Unfortunately it is not at all fun. Did not finish.

Master-class. Not too long. Puzzles are well-designed and punctuated with beautiful set pieces. They didn't have to write it as well as they did, either, but Valve cut no corners and delivered the full package. Wonderful game.

This is a great little run & gun that does little to innovate but nails the execution. That's all that really matters anyway. Good study material for level designers. It looks nice and the music & sound design is great.

There is some crust in staying so true to its roots. The control scheme is pretty awkward. Switching weapons is a pain, and sometimes turning around while shooting doesn't work the way you'd expect. You also have to retread the entire level on a game-over, which can get a little annoying in the later levels (which are relatively long) but the game is only about 2-3 hours anyway so this is hardly an issue.

Bottom line is that you should play Kero Blaster if you've ever enjoyed a game where you shoot a gun and "side scroll".

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup puts the Playing Game in Role-Playing Game.

It's the best game ever made. Ok, not really. But good luck finding another strategy game that offers the same level of tactical depth without any of the boring parts.

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup simultaneously remains a capital T "Traditional Roguelike" and utterly breaks the mold of tradition by actually caring about the player. There is no grinding. There are no tedious, multi-step rituals to accomplish basic tasks in the name of fluff. It is pure tactics. Everything that is not tactics is taken out. If something is not tactics and they can't take it out, it is automated. It does not require a google search or wiki to play (and beat).

This game is a hundred thousand lovingly hand-written "fuck you" letters to another beloved game called NetHack. Every day they push another commit and write another letter.

The bosses are the fun part but I got bored by everything else. And it looks like shit

It's amazing how they made such a giant map full of stuff with no directions yet I never once got lost in it. Still looking for this experience in another game. It's got very satisfying combat and movement for SNES standards, and the atmosphere is best in class. Sadly hurt by terrible boss fights and the control scheme was improved in later titles. Still one of the most impressive and compelling games ever put on a cartridge.

This game likes to make you feel like you're in charge of the exploring when in reality it pushes you through fairly linear environments. Less player freedom but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The robot chases were a cool change of pace. The shooting and jumping and blowing stuff up feels great as usual. I liked the bosses, especially the final boss. The map was kinda too huge for its own good and felt annoying to navigate at times, and much of the enemies being quicktime events felt very boring after a little while. It was dece.

It improves on what Super Metroid did wrong but sadly doesn't hold up in the areas that made Super Metroid so good. that is to say, the controls are tight and the bosses are fun but the map was not nearly as interesting and the vibes were a lot more fisher-price. I can't compare it to the title it's a remake of because I haven't played it and neither has anyone else.

They put ten thousand fuckass zombie knight dudes between you and the next bonfire. And from that bonfire to the next? Twenty thousand

It's cool that everything explodes when you kill it. The boss fights are hit & miss, with all of them having very nice art. Sadly the level design is agonizing and largely consists of long corridors full of the same enemies. The second half of the game's map is even worse; you are constantly required to switch to and from a very slow flying state to access new areas, as it was obviously not designed to be traversed normally.

Fucking around in the inventory menu gets increasingly tedious because they couldn't have a sane item system. Most items just serve to clutter your inventory. This game suffers greatly from completely pointless RPG mechanics that detract from the entertaining parts of the game. You are drip-fed small servings of fun between long stretches of boring nothing, well hidden by satisfying bells and whistles that make you feel like something is happening when it's not.

It is hard to shake the feeling that the developers wanted to stretch out the play time as long as possible, but they didn't want to bother actually making it worth playing for that long. It's a waste of time.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is what happens when you decide to add everything to a game. It's worth playing for the presentation alone, but one shouldn't be ashamed if they've had enough before it's over.

Every time I play a Kirby game I'm always blown away by the polish and Super Star Ultra has polish in excess. each ability has a particularly fleshed out moveset compared to prior games with unique but intuitive controls for each, and they're all pretty satisfying to use because of how unreal the visual and sound design is in this game, not to mention how tight and deliberate Kirby's controls are on their own (and Meta Knight is a whole lot of fun in his own right being the Vergil to Kirby's Dante). the attention to detail is unmatched. the music is so cracked it's unfair—i don't think I've heard a better game soundtrack in my life. it's a great example of that infinite Nintendo money put to good use. I only wish it weren't so easy, and that I played it as a kid. play co-op if you can.