Works in Progress

Just wanted to have a list somewhere of things I'm hoping to cover. I'd like to review all of these if possible, and a lot of these are ones I've already done but aren't high quality. In no particular order - these will get done as inspiration strikes.

If you want me to rate/review something feel free to drop it in the comments here, or on my existing list of suggestions.

wrote my current review before i had a sense for what i wanted to say - when i read it back, it feels too "meta", even when i'm directly talking about the content of the game
rewrite: what i've got down right now basically says nothing about anything. oops!
rewrite: basically just a bulleted list
still working on finishing the actual game but i can already tell you i'm going to have a lot to gush about here
found this to be the most interesting among the long string of mediocre NFS games and the one that most embodies the series' identity issues
rewrite: my current review for this game is among my most liked but it strikes me as needlessly defensive and doesn't really do anything to sell this game as unique. comes across as really insecure and that's not really what i want to put out there


would like to touch a bit on freelancer and its execution as a kind of partner piece to my review of hitman 2's ghost mode


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