I dont like this because I am not good at it

Love not being able to swim in games it's probably my favorite thing ever

I spent hours as a child trying to shoot the guy out of the zebra stripe taxi only to learn recently that you unlock the car immediately after the mission ends

Not listening to the lore and immediately attacking the talking fish at the end is the best way to play this

Tseng using that fuckin monster of a computer is hilarious when compared to the technology in remake

The entire naboo section with the gunguns is like a lunatic child's fever dream

More games need to end with you fighting the pope with pillars of rats

Re Mind DLC changed my life

Need to start incorporating "chicken wuss" into my daily vocabulary

If I died and woke up in shibuya I would be so happy

If you put 20 hours into something you should at least get a little bit of fun in return

Absolutely fuck the bit where you drop the camera

"It gets good after 20 hours"
