Unexpected good RE4-like game, took me by surprise.

The double tape to run almost killed it for me.

The weakest of the PS1 trilogy

This garbage is quite hilarious.

DMC2 : the uninteresting day-to-day jobs that Dante got to pay the electric bill.

The point is for Ada's nice butt.

Not a good movie or even a good narrative-driven game, HR fails to deliver on just about every level. A total and absolut piece of crap.

Arthur Morgan is the most well written character in videogame history.

Maybe the worst Dark Souls of the trilogy, but a good game and a solid experience still.

The ending of this ostentatious, tedious piece of shit is a fucking joke.

Boring, tedious, empty, repetitive as fuck. probably the worst Zelda 3d i've played so far.