Oh wow. I wish I could summarize everything I felt while playing this game, but I think that it'd bleed too much into oversharing and a lot of personal drabble I can't make enough sense of. I find myself so much in Ann, down to the point we are in our lives and the experiences that came with it. I can't really find the words to say. I think I need this to sit with me before I can really summarize it, but this was a great experience.


this game is so personal to me. thank you, mortis ghost for making it.

i learned what piracy was as a child to play this game

i love stressful management sims that make you do tedious activities like check dates for errors as fast as humanly possible thats my shit right there (i am completely serious)

its kinda boring after like 10 minutes but the animals are cute. wish it counted steps for walks while the game was not open but i guess that doesnt really matter in the long run

realistically not great but i have a lot of nostalgia for playing the original forever ago. good enough for me to have bought the complete release

this game was fun af to play in the dentist office's lobby

this makes me remember to text my mom so i have to rate it highly. unfortunately sexaginta-quattuordle (64ordle) outsold

some of the instructions make 0 sense or the levels are just straight up too easy but maybe im just a god gamer (?)

this game is ... interesting. i liked it, i think, but ironically it hinders itself in the core gameplay loop before you can enjoy its strengths. it is so unbearably tedious to get every achievement/ending, and the overall story is a very surface level take on the modern influencer and the edgy/reality of the internet. a lot of the dialogue and encounters are incredibly well-written and relatable. the game definitely does its best to reflect the streaming scene as a whole, but it takes too long for me to want to stay invested. i did 100% it, and i do like ame/p-chan/kangel, but i don't know if i could really recommend this game. you are better off watching the endings' cutscenes on youtube, but even then you lose the charm of witnessing the spiral of ame-chan under your control.

fun to turn off your brain and press a and b

edit: yeah this got abandoned real quick its a little too mindless to be fun after 10 or 12 stages

fun but was shut down a few years ago. it was region locked to japan and never got an english translation but you could still enjoy collecting all the haikyuu guys and making your own fanfic-ready team