44 Reviews liked by katzenjammer342

Video game equivalent to a Domino's pizza on friday night with da homies.

The greatest FPS ever made. Not a single weak aspect. The closest humanity has ever come to achieving perfection.

When most shooters were starting to embrace their love of glum protagonists and desaturated browns, TimeSplitters' third entry went in the opposite direction.

TimeSplitters was already wacky. TimeSplitters 2 got decidedly weirder, but mainly felt like a fleshed-out version of the first game. Future Perfect added a complete story filled with way more voice acting, making it the first legitimately hilarious game in the series.

Mechanically, it functions like TS2 with some welcome additions. The previous game already ruled, the only way to improve on it was to cram more stuff in. As Yngwie Malmsteem once said, "How can less be more? It's impossible. More is more!"

Future Perfect's campaign introduces loads of great new improvements, but these are the standouts for me:
- Voice acting for returning characters like Cortez, Harry Tipper, and Jo-Beth Casey
- A straight-up horror level
- Cortez running into himself
- Cortez's desperate attempts at coining a catchphrase
- A compelling and engaging villain in Jacob Crow
- The greatest multiplayer character of all time, The Shoal
- Hilarious new weapons like the Monkey Gun and the Injector

As far as I'm concerned, in terms of local co-op or 4-player madness, TimeSplitters is the only series to ever give Halo a run for its money. And Future Perfect is absolutely the best game in the series.

I can NOT wait to see what comes next now that Steve Ellis has a team working on a new TimeSplitters project. TimeSplitters 4 has been my most-desired game for 15 years, and I'm 150% hyped.


i used the rewind feature mike matei is outside my house he has a gun oh god

if the stupid spiders from that one level are reading this review fuck you

i played this game as doug walker

Do you know the definition of Pog?
Is doing the same meme over and over again expecting twitch chat to change.



This game has more pedos than genshin

I ate pizza during the pizza mission, now that's some ludonarrative dissonance shit right there

i want to cave captain qwark's head in with a brick

Barack Obama (hostile) shot me with a gun that shrunk me down to ant size and then a nuke went off that was so loud and powerful my game crashed.

This is one of the funniest games ever made.

Jak 3


I can't name any other character who deserves pussy less than Daxter.