43 Reviews liked by katzenjammer342

This review was written before the game released

Me when my mom asks why there’s piss all over the toilet seat

the lack of a universal strafe and normal "third-person shooter" controls honestly makes for some really fun planning and situational weapon use

Seeing zoomers being old enough to do half hour long essays on how "atcshually Sonic 06 is not that bad" because they grew up with this garbage is perhaps the most piss poor attempt at revisionism by pretentious kids who think their opinions matter because they can do some wacky effects on Adobe Premiere Pro

i played this while shitting my ass out yesterday

i have daily traumatic flashbacks to high school where i was walking down the halls wearing an Undertale shirt and this one random guy was like "wh-what??? a gamer girl!" and then blocked my path and did the entire Sans speech. the whole thing. in public.

gonna be real wit u, im just padding my games list with dis shit dawg who the FUCK cares about the chrome dino

Best GTA game in terms of story and mechanics

The most fun part of this game by far is just kicking NPCs and watching them flail around hopelessly

Paid labor > Pay for labor (this game)

Futuristic Inglorious Bastards.

Dude remember when Jerma spent 4 hours on 1 level of this.

It's a perfect recreation of the high school experience, complete with that one friend who's really homophobic for no apparent reason that makes you look back and think "wow that guy really was a massive cunt why did I hang out with him" except everyone is homophobic including you

I might be the only person around that feels this way but I highly prefer the gamecube release of this game to the HD rereleases because the camera angles are actually static on gamecube, but for the HD rereleased, they zoomed in on the backgrounds and had the camera pan across them as the player moves through them as an approach to widescreen conversion.

Giving the player visual priority in the movement of the frame makes the visual dynamics completely different and changes the whole atmosphere of the game.

When the camera is not panning to match the players movement, the player feels the world and reality around them is not built for them, is outside them, and that they are fighting against a system and world that is hostile to them. When it tracks and pans to their whim, they have more implicit visual agency which severely detracts from that sense of dreamlike isolation, stillness, alienation, and horror.

Also the game just looks fucking amazing on gamecube, easily the best looking game of that generation. I wish there were more prerendered games like this, not even in the horror genre but just more static, cinematic walking-through-frames kinds of games.

Palyed the fuck out of this when I was a kid but in 2018 I was at a party in the house of a friend and after taking a line of coke started playing it with the tv sound on 0 and a Kongar ol-Ondar disc blasting on the background. It was a religious experience that made me cry while me and a dude I didn't know and was fucked up with weed and pills beat the shit out of each other with Krillin and Mister Satan

Video game equivalent to a Domino's pizza on friday night with da homies.