I used to think a lot of my love for Sonic CD is just for the visual and soundtrack,so it is surprising that i did actually have fun with Sonic CD once i decided to completed it again with the 2011 remaster now.

Despite what everyone here says about the level designs being awful or frustrating i actually have a lot of fun with it,the gameplay more or less stays the same with classic Sonic but it does feels a bit awkward sometimes and it is more of an exploration based zones unlike other 2D Sonic games which I don't mind with,because these zones are not just beautiful to look at but also they are fun as well with my favorite being Stardust Speedway and Wacky Workbench yes you read that right Wacky Workbench is FUN and so are other zones except metallic madness act 2 & 3 they're just frustrating tbh,but even so the worst zones from Sonic CD still has some of the catchiest soundtrack in all of sonic games they really goes through the roof with this soundtrack it's too good.

I may have fun exploring these zones in Sonic CD but goddamn are the bosses some of the lamest bosses i've ever played in platforming games, besides like Metal Sonic race which was cool a bit stressful due to his AI but it's still cool boss nonetheless which i can't say the same to other bosses,it says a lot when the final boss itself is just gimmicky no actual substance at all and the first one is made for babies.

I think this has becomes my 2nd favorite 2D Sonic games as of now it still has plenty of issues major and minor that hella bothers me but i still have a lot of fun with it and couldn't really go wrong with peak classic sonic visual and soundtrack.

This is the greatest Rhythm game ever made.

from it's pure healing and bright aesthetic that makes me feel at ease everytime i see the immaculately designed UI Interface.
to the absolute set of banger songs that I'll never get tired of,sure the gameplay definitely takes a lot of tries to get used to but once you get the hang of it(despite some weird timing)it feels fucking fun.


Handholding has never been this good.

In all seriousness Ico is truly one of a kind game with it's unique and ambient atmosphere backed up by it's environments that still looks good thanks to it's beatiful art direction,even the puzzles knows how to take advantage of these environments and play it in very interesting way that does makes me think out of the box couple times,it is a shame that the three to last level is an underwhelming compared to previous ones as its just the same level but reversed with some new tweaks.

Some might say the combat and the movement is too loose or a bit basic but i think it's still bearable just take some time to get used to it's movement and positioning ICO then ur good for the rest of the game and despite it's minimalistic and subtle nature of the story it's still an pretty story that the game succeed at implementing this through gameplay,world,and soundtrack.

Truth be told going into ICO i'm a bit afraid that it will ended up be somewhat an shallow experience but thankfully that's not the case and i am glad to finally experience this amazing gem 2 decades later.

i promise i will come back to this but at the moment i just lost interest in the game.
it's not that i don't like from what i've played but more so burnt out from zero escape i guess?so yeah definitely a title i will pick up later down the line but right now i just left it be.

going into this i dont really thought myself having a bad time with this exact entry but after finishing it,it was pretty average to say the least.
for better or worse the story slowly turning into something similar to kingdom hearts which i don't really know how to feel tbh and none of the new characters really grabbed me in any way they're just,okay at best,the returning characters from FF7 with advent children outfit looks really great on cutscenes though gotta give it props for that.
while i don't really think the gameplay is all that bad,but it didn't really offer a fun or cool experience playing as Vincent Valentine it's more so just plain and average which is an missed opportunity,also i don't know how many people liked this but i fw the style of this game heavy,like obviously this was made during those mid 2000s edgy phase that doesn't really please a lot of people nowadays but man from the UI and it's sounds shit was so cool i can't help but it became my favorite thing about the game itself,like i said Dirge Of Cerberus is not bad but just pretty mediocre overall though in some areas i would argue it's straight up ass.

even after 17 years since it's original release zack's story still got me man though it is mostly just his characterization and ending because i do feel like by years go by i realized more of the flaw i see on the story particularly with the pacing and new concept or even the characters being somewhat just lame except maybe Angeal,that aside though zack's journey from beginning to end was fantastic i couldn't ask for a better expansion on a character we barely know in the original.
as for the gameplay it's still mostly the same with new QOL making it more easier but man DMW not interrupting your gameplay anymore is a godsent i had more fun and satisfaction with this change.
for as much as it did things right and remaster it's overall visual to a new HD and a similar look like the remake,part of me screams i prefer the original for some unexplainable reason maybe it's the low poly background or kingdom hearts-esque models another reason i might prefer the original obviously is zack's new VA sure there's a mod to replace it already but the fact that the intended voice for this remaster specifically honestly kinda pisses me off.
but yeah even with all the new QOL improvements and similar look like the remake i do probably would play the original over this just probably for some nostalgia sake or legit i prefer it for specific reason but preference aside Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII is nice expansion on overall FFVII story that does feel like stupid and rushed at times even the characters somewhat felt one off and lame what it did right were good to might honestly be my favorite thing to come out of any FF7 related media obviously like the new banger music or i'm specifically referring to Zack Fair as character and his journey to achieve his dream.

it's cool like seriously cool with the turks being the main cast it does allow more for the story to took a turn that seems not really possible with cloud and even zack but this time it was pretty cool i got nothing to say more than that has its moments for sure tho.

i can't honestly express my feelings and how glad i am replaying this classic after so many years my perception on it may have been little tainted by the fans nor the other games but now that i've replayed it i am so glad to finally say,yes Final Fantasy VII is indeed a memorable classic.
from the get go it sets itself very differently than most JRPGS one that's quick and immediately straight to the point making the tone quite exciting and engaging,even from there on the tone stays relatively consistent and just keeps getting better with more added depth to the main cast making them more memorable and likeable while also reveals and executed it's theme of the story very well.
gameplay wise it uses the ATB system which i do enjoyed but there are certain times where it felt like slowing down your movement mainly due to menuing this is probably more so personal issue as i haven't really played these games since so long but it is still fun when menuing didn't slow and ruin ur movement and plan.
i also don't really liked most of its side quest or optional content in general cool some of them reveals more and has cool equipment behind it but 90% of the time it's just point A to point B chore grinding.
that aside i don't really have major problem with this game really it pretty much excels at what good JRPG should strive for and more from story,gameplay,music and personally,i have a great time with this amazing game.


dumbass and miserable fucking game whether the fanbase are that disgusting or the game itself is fucking ass.

yet i keep coming back to this shit just to perfect my score on my soul your beats by LIA 💀

it was aight ig,pretty harmless game if i'm being honest tho still a fun time with using all these different main riders from showa(Ichigo)-heisei(OOO).

holy shit man.......what a game.
now i do have some nitpicks mainly with how long it may takes to transport from one place to the other and the scenes most of the time didn't feel like it was as tense as the dialogue and the music make it out to be but man what a amazing game and sequel.
this literally both fixed and improved upon the things i didn't liked on 999 mainly the cast and puzzles now two of em are amazing especially the cast and some of the puzzles actually plays with ur mind sure some of em are very straightforward as well most of the time but at least for me i had more difficult time figuring it out.
the characters being more memorable is a big W in it of itself for me sure they don't have the depth the main two have but they all have cool trait i atleast fw,and now the story takes on more of grander turn while ended it off in a way that definitely up to taste whether u like it or not but the overall story and how things play out are just brilliant.
if it wasn't obvious enough by now Virtue Last Reward is an absolutely amazing game and perfect sequel to 999 i loved this game very much can't wait to get into ZTD despite it's somewhat mixed criticism.

didn't really bring anything new to the formula nor tweak something that could've been wayyy more fun,instead it's Doom but more now even worse than II cuz at least with II they added something even if it's still the same Doom we all know and love but something about Final Doom just doesn't really stick with me even though it's still the same formula i loved,the two new maps were fine obvious i prefer one over the other,in this case it's TNT over Plutonia tho both of em by the time i was in the latter portion i was so done playing it.

The triumphant sequel to Y7 and one that i think immediately become one of my recent favorites.
This game does what everything sequel should do especially coming off Yakuza's drastic shift in combat i do enjoy it in Y7 but here i had more fun than ever before not to mention other than the improved combat some of the minigames and gameplay aspect are fucking amazing dondoko island alone lowkey certified this game as fucking amazing.
While i do think it's a great sequel and one that i liked the narrative more than 7(by a long shot)it is in my opinion left to be desired at times and the lows of the characters are honestly some of the lows the series has ever reach though that being said it is still an amazing story just one that i think could've done better with more tighter placement of certain events.

before starting this review when i first played Doom I & II i didn't have any motion sickness and whatsoever and i had a really fun time,with this particular title however the motion sickness really got me and i'm sad that it killed most of my enjoyment because it's a good game and interesting take on Doom that i think worked in some areas,sure it's not as loud and engaging as previous Doom games were but Doom 64 makes up by having very eerie atmosphere with good consistent level design and great sound design as well,it's just a shame that it's not a title i will looking forward to play again in the foreseeable future.

while it is more of the same good ol doom but i do less enjoyed the level designs of doom 2 particularly just right during middle half i don't really enjoy myself playing it even with the new weapons which i do enjoyed quite a bit even some of the music i liked here more than in I but idk i just felt less fun playing this game than I did despite it's simplicity but really addicting and fun gameplay.