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Gotta get come back to this one. Got to the Hades fight, got roughed up a couple times. And just haven't been in the mood to grind roguelike skills lately. Probably cuz this dropped on PC like, right after Risk of Rain 2 fully released it feels like lol. But the game's dope. I'm a big fan.

I could try to talk smack on this game but that would probably come off as disingenuous. It's not my fav 3D zelda but it still kicks butt.

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This game rules, but it's definitely not for everyone. I'm a freak of nature so the game peaks for me when it finally starts to really open up by the treasure hunting sequence towards the last act. I get why the HD remaster might want to cut it down, but it betrays the soul of the game.

solid 3D zelda action gaming. It could do with less railroading, though that's just how I prefer my adventure games

you think you're cool just wait until I go beastmode in this game

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This game rules. The start feels a little slow, but once you get the boat the pace gets a lot better and the exploration and progression opens up bigtime. And that final stretch... hell yeah.

An okay monhun marred by some of the most abysmal decisions to be made for a videogame of All Time

Often think about what was either a Steam review, or steam forum post where someone complains about how the game doesn't have LITERAL rain-themed game elements.

My main desire is for the game to have some sort of "Turbo Mode" to increase the overall game speed. I think especially in the case of RoR2 something like that would be kinda kickass; this isn't so much a problem now that there's an end goal to speedrun towards, but the fact that games can stretch on for hours often makes me feel like I should be spending my time playing something else, AS GOOD as this game is. Only need two more achievements for 100% on the current patch!! I'll let that speak for how much I like this game.

the main scenario is very good, but a lot of other stuff feels very detrimental to the experience. To me, with what I value in a Role Playing Game, it's frankly embarrassing that this is being marketed as it is as an RPG in some ways. I'll probably pick it back up if, and when it has more game in it's game.

I don't like playing this one very much

sidewinder loops go brrrrrrr

I fear that ArcSys is too fearful to ever make a fighting game this powerful ever again

this game's awesome. You think it's about always going fast.. but you gotta go slow first.... and then learn HOW to go fast.. Movement has a real weight to it; it's not like Sonic can stop on a dime like in something like super mario. This creates a fun dynamic that encourages you to test the limits of what you can get away with and push for going even faster each time. This especially comes into play when the relative flat safety of green hill zone transitions into the deadly platforming of the later stages. Heck yeah.